My Perfect Failure

Amplify your Career with Chelle Johnson

September 22, 2021 Paul Padmore


My Perfect Failure - Discussion with Chelle Johnson

Amplify your Career with Chelle Johnson

Chelle is a first-generation college graduate who grew up with limiting beliefs, fear, and dysfunction.  

Through faith, resilience, grit, and determination, she held executive leadership roles in Fortune 50 companies such as: Comcast, Lockheed Martin, Quest Diagnostics and Honeywell. 

 Chelle has lived and worked in Asia, Latin America, has an MBA, and speaks Spanish and English.  

 Chelle now helps high achievers and diversity allies amplify their awesome lives and have abundance in their career and lives.

 Chelle is a career ally, change maker, and positive mental fitness authority that helps people be their best.  

She loves helping people get crystal clear on who they are and what they want, helping them build courage and confidence so they can live abundantly.  

 On this episode of My Perfect Failure (Amplify your Career) You will hear how Chelle has perfected the art of amplifying her life from the get-go to achieve wonderful things. From being the first-generation college graduate in her family, to having a successful corporate career working for some of the world’s most prestigious companies, to going it alone and starting her own business, now helping her clients achieve amazing things and amplify their careers also.  Chelle reveals some of the key ingredients to achieve these milestones such grit, consistency, determination and much.  Some of the areas we cover.

 ·        How to amplify your life and career.

·        Believe in ourselves, recognise the universe has a plan.

·        Faith over Fear

·        Stand in our own fear.

·        Be willing to do something different.

 Connect with Chelle on LinkedIn


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