My Perfect Failure

Consequences of Divorce for Religious Individuals with Sonia Frontera & Jacqueline Harounian

Paul Padmore

My Perfect Failure - Discussion with Sonia Frontera & 

Consequences of divorce for religious individuals with Sonia Frontera & Jacqueline Harounian

About Sonia

Sonia Frontera is a divorce lawyer with a heart. She is the survivor of a toxic marriage who is now happily remarried. Sonia integrates the wisdom acquired through her personal journey, her professional experience and the lessons of the world’s leading transformational teachers and translates it into guidance that is insightful and practical. She is a Certified Canfield Success Principles Trainer and offers inspirational workshops and retreats.

Through the years, Sonia has supported domestic violence survivors as an advocate, speaker, and empowerment trainer.
 Sonia is the bestselling author of "Relationship Solutions: Effective Strategies to Heal Your Heart and Create the Happiness You Deserve" and "Solve the Divorce Dilemma: Do You Keep Your Husband or Do You Post Him on Craigslist?"

 About Jacqueline Harounian

Jacqueline is an attorney and Partner of the Law Firm of Wisselman, Harounian & Associates, established in 1976, and has over 20 years’ experience as a trial attorney. Jacqueline is a recognized leader in the field of matrimonial and family law handling complex family and matrimonial litigation cases.

 Jacqueline has degrees in both law and behavioural forensic psychology, with a unique approach to resolving family conflict and divorce matters. appearing on divorce, custody, and support matters in the Family and Supreme Courts in Long Island and New York City.

 Jacqueline also manages to find time to volunteer, she is proud to serve on several professional, community and non-profit organizations.

 On this episode of My Perfect Failure (Consequences of Divorce for Religious Individuals) Sonia & Jacqueline provide illuminating insights on a subject that is very real for people dealing with the consequences of religious divorce. divorced Catholic. Here are some ideas:  Some of the areas we cover.

  •    What is a religious divorce?
  • How does it differ from a legal divorce and why do people find it necessary even though their marriages are legally dissolved?
  • Consequences of a divorce for religious individuals (shunning, stigma)
  • How cultural norms influence a person's ability/desire to divorce.
  • Get help to end harmful relationships.

 Sonia’s Website


Sonia’s Law Practice


Contact Sonia


Sonia’s Books

Author of Solve the Divorce Dilemma: Do You Keep Your Husband or Do You Post Him on Craigslist?

and Relationship Solutions: Effective Strategies to Heal Your Heart and Create the Happiness You Deserve

 Website: Long Island Divorce & Family Attorneys | Wisselman, Harounian & Associates (

 Contact Jacqueline


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