My Perfect Failure

Shifting The Narrative On Failure with Beate Chelette

Paul Padmore

bMPF Discussion with Beate Chelette 

Shifting The Narrative On Failure with Beate Chelette

 Beate is a single mom immigrant, serial Entrepreneur who dug
herself out of $135,000 in debt and sold her business to Bill Gates. (The American

Beate reveals how astonishingly she also failed her way to success, and she is an 8-time disaster survivor. Beate could have given up so many times. but she did not and Beate shares how she picked herself up time and time again to find success. 

 On this episode of My Perfect Failure (Shifting the Narrative on Failure) Beate describes how she took massive and inspired decisions to overcome her setbacks. Beate explains how we too can use adversity to Build Resilience (Inspiration and Motivation) Some of the areas we cover.

 ·         Overcoming $135,000 business debt

·         Selling her business to Bill Gates

·         Shifting the Narrative on Failure

·         Taking massive action (writing to the US President and receiving a career defining response)

·         We discuss Beate’s inspirational book. “Happy Woman Happy World” The Foolproof Fix Get From Overwhelmed to Awesome

 Work with Beate: Strategies To Grow Your Business.


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