All Write in Sin City

BookFest Equinoxe Special

June 12, 2022 Kim/Irene/Sarah Season 6 Episode 109

On April 22, 2022, Literary Arts Windsor and BookFest Windsor with funding from the Canadian Heritage Canadian Arts and Performance Fund celebrated a new outdoor and although very cool and rainy, well-attended event at Lanspeary Park in Windsor: BookFest Equinoxe. We welcomed wonderful musicians, but for rights issues, you’ll just hear the fabulous poetry and conversation with Alex-Andrei (Alexei) Ungurenaşu, Windsor’s Youth Poet Laureate and BookFest / Festival du Livre Planning chair during this episode. 
This event was made possible by generous funding from Canadian Heritage CAPF. 

 You’ll hear a selection from: 

Kate Hargreaves,
Eli Tareq El Bechelany-Lynch,
Nick Hildenbrand,
Jovan Stefanov

All of whom kindly read at the launch and allowed us to record their performance.

We encourage you to check out the music from Flower Face here:

 And Madeline Doornaert here: