The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn

A Lion, A Giraffe and A Zebra Walk Into a Bar: Kirlian Photography and Bioelectric Fields

July 16, 2020 Lizanne Flynn Season 2 Episode 29

Just like the joke involving humans who seem at opposite ends of the spectrum, so too, are our interpretations of fields of energy. At the very least in this example all the way from 1939 to 2001.The bottom line is that the Energy all of science attempts to define and categorize as perhaps belonging only to that field of study or theory, is the same Energy everywhere. It might act differently in some situations which leads us to believe it's separate from the whole. It's not - ever. Which Animals - including both predator and prey - will tell you. And try though we might as humans to finally claim as ours and box up Energy, it's really only important that we interact with it and allow ourselves to be taught through it how to be on this planet. Its constantly shifting flow shows us that stillness and being our own personal center of energy is best, especially right now. Of this we are entirely capable!

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