The Savvy Scribe

Episode 176: Email Marketing With Email Marketing Heroes Robin and Kennedy

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What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is about nurturing a relationship and building it up step by step and a trust of you, a trust of your solution, an understanding of your solution, and then building a desire for whatever it is that somebody happens to be selling.

Key takeaways in this episode:

  • Adding email marketing as a service in your freelance writing business
  • What email marketing is
  • What type of clients it would benefit
  • The benefits of email marketing to your clients
  • How to apply email marketing effectively
  • Understanding the funnel
  • Rate and pricing of your services
  • How to get started with email marketing for clients
  • Client prospecting and pitching this new service
  • Why 99% of email marketing is terrible
  • What is FAB-T

About Our Guests

Both actually have a weird background. Rob is a hypnotist, while Kennedy is a mind reader. They basically use skills of psychology, body language, reading people, understanding people, statistics, and human behavior to pluck a thought from somebody’s mind and read what they’re thinking. They have been doing this job for nearly 20 years. They set up this what they call “accidental business” but then they both realized they didn’t want to spend loads of time, like chatting to people.

And so, a really good, efficient way to sell their services, get gigs and repeat gigs, and get referred to other people’s gigs was by email marketing. They decided that they want to build a list of clients and send them emails and keep in touch that way at scale. They then apply the psychology of a hypothesis and a mind reader to email marketing.

Still curious about how email marketing works? Keep listening!

Listen to them on Email Marketing Podcast!

If you are interested to learn

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