The Savvy Scribe

[Quick Win] Tips to Streamline Getting Paid

February 12, 2019 Carol Bush Episode 4

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Quick Win: Tips to Streamline Getting Paid

The Savvy Scribe Carol Bush offers 3 simple actions you can take to streamline getting paid so your business can grow and you can pay your bills

Podcast Transcript

 Janet:                                 00:02                   Start Your engines and get ready to power up for a Quick Win from The Savvy Scribe team, Carol Bush and Janine Kelbach are here to take your freelance healthcare writing business to the next level with this powerful Quick Wins on The Savvy Scribe podcast.

 Janine:                               00:19                   Freelancers, we're always struggling with why we're doing our jobs. We're doing them because we love it, right, but it's a job and we need to get paid today in this quick when Carol is talking about all about getting paid and how to make it so it's a win-win for both parties. Take it away, Carol.

 Carol:                                 00:39                   Your business can only run smoothly when you're getting paid and cash is flowing in and out. Unfortunately, in the real world of healthcare freelancing and last, we set ourselves up for success. Getting paid can be a real challenge. Wouldn't it be nice to avoid all of this to get the money that we're owed without all of the fuss and hair pulling? Exactly. Hi, this is Carol Bush co-host of The Savvy Scribe podcast, and in today's Quick Win, I'd like to share t

Welcome to the Savvy Scribe Podcast, I'm so glad you're here! Before we start the show, if you're interested, we have a free Facebook group called "Savvy Nurse Writer Community"

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If you’re ready to start exploring if freelance writing is your next PRN job or even full-time, I invite you to check out the Savvy Nurse Writer Community on Facebook and the Plan Produce Profit Course + Membership to help you get started today!

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