The Savvy Scribe

Morning Pages and Business Model Canvas with Abhishek Sharma

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Abhishek Sharma joins me in today’s episode to talk about different things and a little exercise to do about morning pages and business model canvas. 

Abhishek Sharma is life sciences and medical device executive who also happens to be a stand-up comedian. For more than 18 years he has coached leaders, professionals, and companies in immuno-oncology, oncology, and IV space accelerating their objectives in product management, business development, and sales. He received his MBA from UC Berkeley Haas School of Business.

He shares his engaging and sometimes funny stories and also critical decision points in his career.

Business Model Canvas

Business Model Canvas is a blueprint when you start a business. It is a little map on how to grow your business. It is a spark note version of a business plan.

  • Value Proposition

Three key things of an ideal business model:

  1. What is the problem you are trying to solve for this business and really coming with that.
  2. Write down how it’s going to make money and what were the expenses going to be
  3. Write down what the long term vision is
  • Just keep focusing on that one thing while there are so many other options.

Although you can create a lot of options for yourself in the future, it is important to know what you really want to do. Think about that one thing your inner voice is telling you.  It really matters because once you figure out that calling or inner voice, it will always feel like you are always in the right place at the right time and doing the right type of things.

Morning Pages

It requires you to write three pages, by hand, first thing in the morning, about whatever comes to mind. You’ll realize that there’s a huge insight that just comes out of nowhere. It somehow turns a bad thing into a good one.


Abhishek’s favorite tool that he likes to help

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