Podcasting Q&A

Should you put your podcast on YouTube?


In this episode, Travis explains the pros and cons of uploading videos for your podcast on YouTube.

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Today on five minute Monday, I'll weigh the pros and cons of putting your podcast on Youtube. welcome to five minute Monday. We're bringing you the best tips and strategies for building your podcast in five minutes or less. So if you're new here, consider subscribing. Now I am a big believer in putting your podcast on every podcast platform that you can because you want to reach as many people as possible and for the most part, once you set it up, you don't have to do anything else. Those podcast directories and platforms will automatically bring in new episodes. So once you get listed, all your work is done. Now, one platform that is not necessarily a podcast platform that I get asked a lot about is youtube. So I just wanted to make a special episode to help you weigh the pros and cons of getting on Youtube and whether you should. Now one thing to keep in mind, youtube is not like podcast directories. It doesn't utilize your podcasts RSS feed. So you have to set up a separate process to upload your podcast. Whether you have a software that uploads to youtube and you have to create artwork to go along with that and link it up or you do it manually by creating a video file and manually uploading it to your youtube channel and in order for that to even be viable, you also have to have some kind of visual component, even if it's just a static image of your podcast artwork with the audio playing in the background. But should you go through the effort put in the time to upload your podcast to Youtube? Well, if you have a visual component to your show, then the answer is yes. In fact, I recently interviewed a chase Kupo, one of the cohost of back row movie news on podcasting and real life here on buzz cast and we talked about their youtube strategy and it makes sense for them to put their podcasts on youtube because they actually film their podcast recordings. They built out a set, they, they create each podcast episode to work for both video and audio only and so it makes sense for them to put their podcast videos on youtube. Another really popular podcast that does this is the Joe Rogan experience. Now, Joe Rogan has been podcasting for a long, long time and so he has audio versions of his podcast, but they also film his interviews and he puts those up on his youtube channel and so he does both as well. But each of those podcasts, backhoe movie news and the Joe Rogan experience have visual components. It's not just them having a phone call with somebody and then putting the audio on youtube because if you don't have a visual component to your show, I'm going to recommend that you not upload your podcast to Youtube. Here's why. When people go to youtube, they want to watch a video, not an audiogram and not a static image with sound going on in the background. That is not why they're there and they're not going to sit there and listen to a 45 minute interview when there's no video. That's not what they're looking for on Youtube, and if they happen to stumble onto your video, the chances that they take the step of finding you in their podcast app and subscribing are close to zero because that's not what they're on youtube to do. So if you don't have a visual component to your show, then I would recommend that you steer away from youtube all together because that is time that you could spend working on your podcast, promoting your podcast, connecting with other creators, and doing collaborations. There is a lot of things that you can do to find new people to try and attract to your podcast that is much more effective, a much more effective use of your time. Then trying to figure out how to get your episodes up on Youtube. So if there's a video component of your podcast, put it on Youtube. If there isn't, spend that time making your podcast better or investing in other promotional strategies. Do you need some help with your podcast? The Buzzsprout podcast community on Facebook is a great place to find answers and get the help you need to make your podcast as excellent as possible. So if you're not a member yet, just click on the link in the show notes and ask to join. That's it for today. Thanks for listening, and I'll talk to you soon.