Podcasting Q&A

Why your podcast needs a website


It's really important that you have a single place that you can send literally anyone to learn more about your podcast and subscribe on the app of their choice. In this episode, Travis explains why your website is the "home base" of your podcast and introduces the new Buzzsprout podcast websites.

Purchase your podcast domain at one of these websites:

Need some help with your podcast? Join the Buzzsprout Podcast Community on Facebook to get the help you need from podcasters just like you.


Today on five minute Monday, I'll explain why you must have a website for your podcast. Welcome to five minute Monday where we bring you the best tips and strategies for building your podcast in five minutes or less. So if you're new here, consider subscribing. Now tell me if you've heard this before. You're listening to your favorite podcast and towards the end they get into their little spiel, their out-tro. If you will rate us and apple podcast, follow us on Instagram, subscribe on a podcast, Spotify, Google podcast, overcast, et Cetera, et cetera. And as a podcaster, you know exactly what they're saying. Follow us everywhere. I'm available everywhere, but that's not what the average listener hears to a normal person. Listening to that they are thinking this is way too much information to process. Don't you just have one place I can go to learn more? So it's more effective to just have one clear call to action. One thing that you want them to do. Now you don't want to point everyone to apple podcasts because not everyone has an iPhone and you don't want to point everyone to Spotify because not everyone pays for Spotify or listens on Spotify. What is the one place you can send literally everyone and their grandma? That's easy to remember. Well that's your website. So think of your podcast website, like the home base for your show with your website. It's easy to share. Links to episodes is easy to explain to people and it's easy to remember, right? So instead of saying, hey, search for this podcast in this app and then make sure you subscribe and then you know, connect with us over here on our Instagram account and follow us on Twitter. You to say, just go to my podcast.com and everything is there. That's all you gotta do. And having a website for your podcast is so critical that we recently just completely revamped every Buzzsprout website. The new websites look fantastic and it gives you all of the features that you might need. You can put links to your social media accounts. You can include links to various podcast players including but not limited to the ones that we have instructions for in our dashboard. And it also has a really great listener experience, a place where you can have your transcriptions so you can benefit from search engine optimization from Google, sending people to your podcast and gives you all of the features that you need to have a great podcast website. And when we are creating the websites, our goal was to make a website that 95% of podcasters would never have to upgrade from until this point. If you really wanted a great website, we would encourage you to go and get a wordpress websites. You can control every aspect of how it looks, how it feels, and be able to add all the functionality that you would need. But now with the new bus route, public websites, you don't have to have a wordpress site. You can just do that. It's included in the cost of your a Buzzsprout subscription so it doesn't cost you anything else. So it's really a win win. You have a place where you can send everyone no matter what. And then from your website they can find you and follow your podcast on all of your social media accounts and on any podcast app that they happen to listen to your show on. Now one thing you'll want to do is make sure to use a custom domain to make your website look like it was done by a professional. So that's the difference between buzzsprout.com/one two three four five six and my awesome podcast.com so if you want to grab a domain for your podcast and you haven't yet, you can go to hostgator, bluehost, GoDaddy, or Google domains. Those are all great places to purchase the domain for your podcast.

Speaker 2:



what do you think about the new buzz sprout website? Do you like it? Hate it? Let me know over in the Buzzsprout podcast community on Facebook, which also happens to be a great place to find answers and get the help that you need to make your podcast as excellent as possible. So if you're not a member yet, just click on the link in the show notes and asked to join. That's it for today. Thanks for listening and I'll talk to you soon.