Podcasting Q&A

How long SHOULD it take you to make a podcast episode?


Today on 5 Minute Mondays, you'll learn approximately how long it SHOULD be taking you to record, edit, and upload a podcast episode.

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Travis:   0:00
today on five minute Monday's you'll learn how long it should be taking you to make a podcast episode. Welcome to five minute Mondays. We're bringing the best tips and strategies for building your podcast in five minutes or less. So if you're new here, consider subscribing now. I recently posted a video on the bus sprout podcast community Facebook Group. Shameless plug asking people what they want us to cover on this podcast on our YouTube channel. Inner blawg, all all the things, all the places. And this was Christine Moore's response. If you're a new podcaster and you still work a potential workflow with approximate amount of time to spend on certain steps, I'd hate to spend hours on something. What? It should only take an hour. I want something to benchmark my time efficiently, knowing I'll be more efficient over time and with practice. And I think this is a spot on question from a podcaster who is wise beyond their years, because when your free time is limited, every minute has to count. So here are my rule of thumb time calculations for how long it should take you to make a podcast episode, and there are actually six areas that we're gonna cover that will add up at the end to make the total time. The first is coming up with the idea for the episode, and that should take you somewhere between 3 to 5 minutes. So once you get really good a brainstorming ideas for your podcast, you can start to sift through things that you thought about conversations. You've had ideas that you had a long just throughout your week and decide which idea you wanna execute. Which podcast episode you want to make something that I like to do is have a note open in my phone with different episode ideas. So when I'm driving and I get a bit of inspiration when I'm at the stoplight, I just take out my phone and just jot it down real quick or if I'm you know, just waking up or about to go to sleep. And I'm just thinking through the day and something pops into my line, I make sure to capture that. So later on this 3 to 5 minutes takes five seconds because I just find it and I'm like, Yes, that's the one. The second thing you want to do then is right. The outline for the episode and this will take you between 15 minutes and 30 minutes, depending on how in depth your episodes are. And this is a true outlines. You're not writing every single word down. You're just jotting out the general structure for your episodes, maybe putting down some main points that you wanna make sure that you hit or questions You wanna ask those kinds of things and then when you're recording your podcast, the time it takes to record it should be the length of the episode plus 20% all right, and I'll explain how I got that in a second. And so one hour episode should take you one hour and 12 minutes to record. So that means you're doing it in one take. You're not doing it multiple times. You're not recording the intro five times and choosing the one you like. You're recording it all in one take. Then when you make him a steak, when you make a flubber, you say something you didn't really want to say. You take a five second pause and then start over. If you're doing an interview when you want to just take a quick note and mark the approximate time that the mistake happens, because you're gonna refer to that when you go to edits. Now, when you're editing the podcast, the length of the episode divided by two, is the time frame that I would give you all right. And so that assumes that you're only editing those five second pauses or the time stamps that you jot it down when you're recording the interview. So when you have those breaks in the wave form, when you go to edit your audiophile, it's very clear. OK, those are the areas the three or four areas I need to edit, and that's it. You know that everything else is good to go. You don't have to listen to it all the way through again. You just have to bring the recorded section into your project templates, which includes your intro, your theme, music, anything that is exactly the same in every single podcast episode. All your settings, it's all saved. You just bringing in the new audio recording, editing those brakes, and then that's it you're exporting. The next thing you're gonna do is upload your episode to bust power, your podcast host, and that should take you about 10 minutes. So you're putting in the podcast episode title. Any show notes that you want to include, and often you'll be copying and pasting shown us from a previous episode of them, modifying them to speed this up even more and then scheduling the episode. When is it supposed to go out? And last but not least, you want. Make sure you set aside time to promote the episode when it is released. So once you're episode goes out into the world, how are people that are not subscribe to your podcast gonna know about it? And so I recommend setting aside about 30 minutes or half an hour to doing that. So that's posting on social media that is reaching out thio potential influencers that you think about your episode that is writing your email newsletter and sending that out spent about 30 minutes half an hour promoting each episode to really make sure that you're getting the biggest bang for your buck. You're spending all this time putting in another podcast episodes. You want to make sure you're promoting them as well. So the total time for a one hour podcast episode should be around three hours. That's it. Just three hours to do a one hour podcast episode. And then, if you want to speed up your work flow, even Maur, I recommend matching podcast episodes. So instead of doing them one at a time, you would sit down and record multiple episodes all in one sitting. Edit multiple episodes, scheduled, most full episodes. You're gonna save a lot of time actually doing that, but that's it for today. Hit this. Describe button. If you're watching this on YouTube, or subscribe to the five minute Money's podcast in your favorite app, squeeze even more podcasts related content into your life. And if there's something you want us to talk about on a future episode, you can click the link in the show notes to submit your question. Thanks for listening and is always keep podcasting