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5 Tips to Avoid "Podfading" in 2020


Today on 5 Minute Mondays, we'll cover five strategies that will help you stay motivated and make 2020 the best year ever for your podcast.

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Travis:   0:00
today on five minute Mondays will cover five tips to help you avoid pod fading Welcome the five minute Monday's 2020 style, where we bring you the best tips and strategies you're building your podcast in five minutes or less. So if you're new here, consider subscribing. And since this is the first episode of 2020 and you're probably thinking about making some New Year's resolutions, I thought it be fitting to share five tips. Help you avoid the notorious pod fate. Now what the heck's pod fade mean? Well, it's just a term that's thrown around in the podcasting industry that refers to the phenomenon where you gradually lose the will to keep making new episodes and your podcast dies. A slow and painful death, which is not something we once for your podcast in 2020. So here are five tips to help you stay the course, maintain your consistency and ultimately reach your goals to reach the goals that you have for your podcast and for yourself. Tip number one is to run your own race. One of the classic mistakes that you see in really anything but also in podcasting is when you start to compare yourself to people that are in a totally different place. So if you're just getting started with your podcast, you don't need to be comparing yourself to people that have been doing it for 10 years because they are in a totally different place in their podcasting journey. Then you are, and it's not fair to you. It's not fair to yourself to set yourself up for failure in that way, where you're comparing yourself to somebody that you really shouldn't be comparing yourself to apples and oranges. Don't compare yourself to anyone but you because you have your own goals. You have your own backstory. You have your own experience, your own audience, and you are unique in every sense of the word. So focus on yourself. Run your own way race, and that'll help you continue to grow and succeed. Tip Number two is to set measurable, achievable goals. One thing that will sink your podcasting ambition is if you have ambiguous goals and you never know when you actually achieve one right. So a very clear goal that could be helpful for you is to grow your podcast audience by 10%. The 1st 3 months of 2020. It's a very measurable and very achievable goal, and it gives you something to shoot for. So when you're not really feeling like doing that, putting in the extra effort to market your new episode to promote your new episode to find that awesome podcast guest you can go back to this goal and say, Well, I want to get my podcast by 10% in the 1st 3 months of 2020 so I'm gonna go the extra mile. Setting those measurable, achievable goals will help you actually achieve them, which is gonna help you maintain forward momentum with your podcast. Tip number three is to celebrate these small winds. It is so easy when you start setting goals for yourself and you start down the path of creating your podcast that you neglect celebrating when things go well, when you land that dream. Guests, you never thought you were gonna land when you hit that download milestone. When you finally print your first custom T shirt with your podcast logo on it, right, we need to celebrate the things that happen that are great and really appreciate that otherwise you just continue to move the goal posts back without taking the time to reflect and to be grateful for all the things we already have achieved. But if you can celebrate the small winds that will help you continue to stay motivated and focused on growing your podcast, Number four is to connect with other podcasters. Now this could be online or in person, in a meet up. Or you just find somebody in your city where you live that also has a podcast and you connect with them. And this is really helpful because podcast and can be very lonely at times. You're just sitting in front of a microphone recording your episode, and that's about it. That's that's about all there is to it. But when you can connect with somebody else who knows exactly what you're going through, who can relate to you on a personal level, it really does make a huge difference in being able to continue to, to put yourself out there and continue to make more episodes into work really hard. And then tip number five is to remember why you started or hey, remember why you started your podcast in the first place. Over time, our goals will change the things that excite us will change, but that why the reason should be consistent. And so, if you can remember why you started, remember why you started your podcast in the first place that will help guide you and steer you in the right direction. And ultimately, the success or failure of your podcast has very much to do with how long you keep it up. So don't let your podcast be a flash in the pan that is here today and gone tomorrow. Make 2020 Your podcasts Best year ever. Well, that's it for today. Hit the subscribe button if you're watching this on YouTube, or subscribe to the five minute Money's podcast in your favorite app to squeeze even Maur podcast related content into your life. And if there's something you want us to talk about on a future episode, you can click the link of the show notes to submit your question. Thanks for listening and is always keep podcasting