Podcasting Q&A

How to make 2020 the best year ever for your podcast


2020 has been a crazy year all around, but there's still time to take your podcast to the next level and make this your best year yet!

The best thing you can do to accelerate your podcast's growth is sign up for the Podcast Movement Virtual Conference which is taking place at the end of October.

Leave a comment under the YouTube version of Podcasting Q&A letting us know why you want to go to Podcast Movement Virtual for a chance to win a free ticket!

It's 10 days of keynotes, breakout sessions, and networking to help take your podcast to the next level. And 9 separate tracks to help you focus on your podcast's biggest need at the moment.

Podcast Movement Virtual Tracks:

  1. Creation Track
  2. Industry Track
  3. Marketing Track
  4. Monetization Track
  5. Society, Culture, and Advocacy
  6. Technical Track
  7. Audio Fiction Track
  8. Brand and Content Marketing
  9. Internal Podcasting

Record your podcasting question at Speakpipe.com/Buzzsprout to be featured on a future episode.

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Travis :

In today's episode, you'll learn the number one thing that you can do to make 2020 the best year ever for your podcast. Welcome to Podcasting Q&A, where you learn the best tips and strategies to launch grow and monetize your show. Normally, we have a listener question that we answer on the show, but we wanted to do a special episode with a special bonus at the end. So make sure you stick around and listen to the entire thing. Now, one of the coolest things about the podcasting space is the conferences. I don't know if you've ever been to a podcasting conference, we go to a lot of them as Buzzsprout. For instance, there's pod Fest, there's podcast movement, there's Spark, there's she podcasts, they're all over the world. And they really are incredible. Number one, you get to hear from experts, professional podcasters, and companies that are in the podcasting space, to learn what's working, what's not working, and to glean insights that you can implement for your own podcast. And then there's the networking element to things where you get to meet people you've never met before. Connect with other podcasts. Go on each other's shows promote each other. And it's a really cool place to develop connections and build your network as a podcaster. Well, 2020 has been an interesting year for podcasting conferences, and that like most in person conferences, they've been canceled or shifted to a virtual conference. And so, thinking through the rest of 2020, the number one thing that you can do is figure out where your show is right now, and where you want it to be. And if you need some help thinking through what that is, then what you need to do is sign up for the podcast movement virtual conference, which is happening at the end of October podcast movement is the top podcasting conference in the world. And it has been for the last six years that it's been around and every single year Buzzsprout goes to podcast movement. We love the guys over there and they do a phenomenal job of putting on a great conference for podcasters. This year. They're shifting it from the two day in person conference to a 10 day virtual conference, which is Incredible that tickets are lower than they've ever been. And you're going to be able to have access to so many speakers and tracks is going to be phenomenal. And so if you really want to take advantage of the fact that you don't have to fly into Dallas, Texas to go to this conference, you can watch it from the comfort of your own home wearing your pajamas, then this is the one that I recommend you sign up for. There's nine tracks there's the creation, track, technical track, industry, track marketing, monetization, society, culture and advocacy, audio drama, slash fiction, branding, content, marketing, and then internal podcasting for companies that have podcasts for their employees. So all those tracks will take you on a progression of keynotes breakout sessions to really help you make progress and whatever the area is that you feel will most benefit you. So if you want to learn how to really grow your audience through 2020 and into 2021, sign up for the marketing track if you want to start making money from your podcast, sign up for the monetization track. It really is everything that you need to make 2020 the best year ever for your podcast. And because we love serving you guys and want to help you guys and hook you up, we are giving away three tickets to the virtual podcast movement that's taking place at the end of October, we're gonna give away two normal tickets, and then one VIP premium pass, which has all kinds of awesome bells and whistles along with it. So if you want to win one of those tickets, all you have to do is leave a comment below the YouTube version of this show. So if you listen on your podcast app, make sure you go and check out the YouTube channel. Leave a comment letting us know why you want to go to podcast movement this year. And then one week from today, we will choose three lucky winners and reach out to you and get you squared away. 2020 has been a crazy year. But there's still plenty of opportunity to take advantage of the time that we have left to make incredible progress for your podcast. podcast conferences are a great way to do that in a short period of time and why We can't meet in person. The podcast movement virtual conference is the next best thing. That's it for today. Thanks for listening and as always keep podcasting