Podcasting Q&A

How to get a job in podcasting

October 12, 2020 Buzzsprout

Kerry-Ann from the Carry On Friends podcast asks, "How do you leverage your skills to get a full-time job in podcasting?"

There are a number of ways that you can break into the podcasting industry. Some jobs require you to leverage one skill really well (like podcast editing for instance), while others give you an opportunity to produce a podcast from start to finish.

In this episode, we'll break down the top seven ways to break into the podcasting industry on a part-time or full-time basis.

Best Jobs in Podcasting:

  1. Podcast Editing
  2. Graphic Design
  3. Consulting
  4. Marketing Services
  5. Content Creator
  6. Done-For-You Services
  7. Media Companies

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In today's episode, you'll learn how to get a job in podcasting. Welcome to Podcasting Q&A, where you'll learn the best tips and strategies to launch, grow and monetize your podcast. This week's question comes from Kerry-Ann.


Hi, my name is Kerry-Ann from carry on friends, the Caribbean American podcast. And my question is, how do I leverage my current skills as an independent podcaster for a full time job in the podcast industry? Thank you.


Thanks for your question Kerry-Ann. It's so great that you love podcasting so much, you want to turn that into your full time job. So in this episode, we're going to break down some jobs you can find in podcasting, starting with the ones that require maybe just one skill, and then moving on to ones that require a little bit more know how. job number one is podcast editing. Now, if you really geek out on the technical aspects of audio, this job is for you. So all it really requires is that you take your client's raw audio, and mix it, master it, and then edit it down to the final episode in which you give back to your client. There are a lot of podcasters that would love to outsource this part of the production process, including me. Now I outsource the editing of my episode, because I find that it frees up my time for things that I'm better suited at, such as finding guests for my interviews, cutting the cover art for each episode, and even writing the scripts for podcasts. job number two is graphic design. So when you're talking about graphic design specific to podcasting, we're talking about cover art, episode art, or even images for social media. Now, you can definitely branch out on your own and find clients that way. Or you can go on platforms such as 99 designs, and bid on jobs. job number three is consulting. Yes, all of the skills that you have built up over time is going to be really valuable for other podcasters. And they're gonna be willing to pay good money for it. So some of these would include consulting a podcaster on different marketing tactics, maybe how to grow their show or increase the number of subscribers. It could even be listening to an episode of theirs and providing feedback on maybe how the host is engaging with the guests, or even the structure of the episodes. job number four is marketing services. Now, under this job, there are lots of different things that you can do to help your clients market their podcasts. So that could include creating audiograms, or images to promote on social media. It could even include writing an email newsletter to help promote episodes that way, or it could mean taking existing episodes, and repurposing them into blog posts and other different types of written content. So they can spread their content far and wide. Now again, since there's so many different ways that someone can market their podcast, you can have the freedom to create as many different packages and pricing that you would like to offer. job number five is content creator. So you can take your existing podcast or create a new one, and build up an audience or a fan base that they're willing to buy from you. And that could be in the form of your own product and services like courses or ebooks. So for my own podcast beyond the dollar, I've been able to earn money as a content creator. I've created courses, I've done some coaching, and I've even written multiple books to help my audience learn more about money. And because of all of these efforts, I've been able to earn at least five figures over the years. Just doing that. Another way you can earn money from your podcast as a content creator is through affiliate income. And all this means is that you are promoting other people's products and services. And then when your audience buys from that company, you earn a little bit of a kickback or commission. job number six is done for you services. So here is where you're going to be producing the episode from start to finish. So all you do is you take your client's raw audio, you edit it, create the episode are all the social media images, and even all the way to uploading it to your clients. podcast host now clients are going to pay a premium for this because you're doing everything for them. Now who is interested in this. It's essentially business owners or companies who want to be seen as a leader in their industry or want to find a way to use content marketing to earn more money for their business. job number seven is to get a job at a podcast network or any media company. So think companies like NPR or gimlet, where you're going to be part of a production team for their very highly produced podcast. Or you can think smaller companies, or even media companies like Vox or BuzzFeed, where they're going to need help with creating podcast content. So if you're interested in getting a job like this, here are a few ways that you can do it. The first way is to subscribe to hotpot. Now, this is a weekly industry newsletter that talks about the podcasting industry at large. And then there are also some job listings in their classifieds section. The second way is to network with others in the industry. So if you do an online search, there are lots of meetups related to the podcasting or media industry. And you can attend those virtually or in person. Another way is to go to the media companies website that you want to work for so think Earwolf, or vice and then go to their jobs or career section, and just take a look and see if there's any jobs related to podcasting. Thanks for sending us your question, Kerry-Ann. ow if you have a question you ould like for us to answer any uture episode of the show had o speakpipe.com/buzzspr ut or click on the link in the how notes and leave a brief a dio message. Podcasting Q&A is vailable both video and audio f rmat. If you like video, please ubscribe to Buzzsprout YouTube channel. Now if you prefer odcasts, Podcasting Q&A is avai able in your favorite podcast ng app. That's it for today. hank you for listening and as lways keep podcasting