Podcasting Q&A

Get to know our newest PQA host


In this episode, you'll hear how our newest host, Badr Milligan, started his first podcast in a barn and why he's excited about becoming a contributor to Podcasting Q&A.
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Hey, Travis here. So we just want to make this special bonus episode of Podcasting Q&A. Because I want to introduce you to one of our new hosts spotter million. Let's say your last name, right? Yes, you got it right. Perfect. Awesome. It's always the worst when you go to introduce one of your new friends, and it's like, oh, I totally got their name. So that's great. Now, we're super excited that you're here. Tell everyone listening, kind of how you got your start in podcasting, you. You've been podcasting for quite a while.


Yeah, thank you. So I've been podcasting since 2012. The name of my show is the short box podcast. It is a comic book show hosted by myself and my crew of sarcastic fanboys. We focus on comic book reviews, recommendations and interviews with some of the best creators in the industry. I got started because my original co host by the name of Walter Gant was on a on another podcast called the side hustle was a it was a comedy podcast. And they had these visions of having a network and having spin off shows. So the guy in charge of that show Scott had offered Well, hey, man, if you ever want to use the equipment here, and this we just record out of a barn. If you ever want to use the equipment in the barn, for your own show, feel free to and I had known Walt for a long time I was working at a comic shop, he'd come in, and we would just talk for hours, myself and my best friend Andrew, who is also working at a comic shop. We didn't get much done, as you can tell. But what would come in and we would talk for hours about comic books, pop culture, movies, music, and one day Walt was just like, Hey, I am so tired of standing outside this shop for hours on end. How about we going to start recording our conversations and since then, it's been? Yeah, here we are.


2012 that makes you like one of the godfathers of podcasting.


You know, I I'm definitely around the time of the launch. I would I was so hype. I was like, Man, I'm doing this podcast. And as you probably can imagine, the main question I got from family friends was, man, that's great. What is a podcast?


Yeah, exactly. like nobody really knew what that was yet. Cereal hadn't even come out yet. In 2012.


No, I spent a lot of time manually showing people there. I had to like dust off their podcast app, because you know, it was either like in the very back or in some random folder that they never considered. So it's been fun watching it become so popular. And I think at times I forget that. I was podcasting during a time where it wasn't, you know, there wasn't a lot of resources or things for podcasts, you just kind of had to figure it out on your own.


I love your origin story. I love how you really started literally in a barn. And now you're, you know, not in a barn upgrade a little bit out of studio. Yeah. So that's super excited. And I'm really excited about you sharing all of your insights and the wisdom just from the years that you've been doing it. What is one thing that you're really excited about, as far as being a host and being a contributor on Podcasting, Q&A,


I think contributing to the, the knowledge. Well, you know, like I said, when I was podcasting, I would have loved to have a resource like like Podcasting Q&A, or just Buzzsprout. Like I had no idea about hosting a podcast, how to monetize it, promoting it, editing, much less editing. So to be able to give back to that to be a resource and offer knowledge and tips and tricks to fellow podcasters. I feel like that is a there's a sense of honor and that for me, because I wish I would have had like a mentor or tutor to walk me through everything. So if I can give back and make someone else's podcast journey a little easier, that that means the world to me.


Awesome. Well botter thanks for joining the team. And if you're listening to this, make sure you tune in this upcoming Monday for botters first episode on Podcasting Q&A.