Podcasting Q&A
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Podcasting Q&A
How to use Listener Locations to your advantage
Today on 5 Minute Mondays, you’ll learn how to use your Listener Locations data to tailor your podcast for your audience.
Check out our in-depth tutorial on the Buzzsprout Advanced Podcast Statistics on YouTube.
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Travis: 0:00
today on five minute Monday's you'll learn how your podcast is being consumed worldwide. Welcome to five minute Mondays. We're bringing the best tips and strategies for building your podcast in five minutes or less. So if you know here, consider subscribing. Ah, couple of weeks ago, we rolled out the new Buzzsprout, advanced podcast statistics. And it really is everything that you need to track your show and see how your podcast is growing. And so the last couple episodes have been diving into particular pieces of those statistics and just doing an overview off them. And so this we're gonna wrap that up, we're gonna look at listener locations.
Travis: 0:37
So if you ah go to your stats in your Buzzsprout dashboard and you go to the listener locations tab, then you'll be greeted by this very colorful world map. Unfortunately, Antarctica is not listed here, So if you listen to podcasts in Antarctica and you're listening to this very sorry, you're not showing up on the map. But for everybody else, you show up on this map and the reason that listener location is important is because number one it will help you to see kind of where in the world your podcast is popular, often times. It's not the countries that you would expect.
Travis: 1:10
So I know for Buzzcast, for instance, our number five most popular country is the Netherlands, which there's nothing that would suggest that that is true based on the content itself. We don't speak Dutch on the podcast, but that is an interesting little tidbit of information, right? And so you can see kind of where your listeners are clustered. Um, the city's top cities gives you a really good idea of where people are listening from. So, for instance, for Buzzcast Jacksonville, Florida, Los Angeles, California, Chicago, Illinois, in Atlanta, Georgia are the top four cities. And so okay, that makes sense like major metropolitan areas. But then we have Islington, England, shout out to all the Brits across the pond. Um, you guys are well represented here, so these this location information helps you to figure out okay, if I'm gonna do meetups with my listeners, where should I do those if I want to live events and I'm trying to see what then used to rent out like that's where I should go.
Travis: 2:09
But if you're not to that point redoing live events. It's also helpful for marketing purposes. If your marketing your show for sponsors or if you're really trying to encourage your audience, say, Look how amazing this thing is that we're growing together. You can see how many countries your podcast is in. So if you scroll up towards the top of the listener locations and click all episodes, then when that loads, it will show you every single country that your podcast has ever been listened to. So for Buzzcast, we've been, we've found listeners in 120 total countries, which is a lot. It's a lot of countries, and so it's really cool to be able to say, you know, Buzzcast had been heard 120 countries. And so if that's something that you want to really promote as a part of your podcast to help with your marketing, then listener locations is really helpful.
Travis: 2:57
Um, but the other thing that you can do with this information, especially if you have a podcast that is geographically pertinent, meaning that you're not just covering broad subjects but things that are specific to different countries. Different cities, different locations, then you want to take this information and create podcasts around it. So let's say that you have a podcast that covers food. Maybe it's restaurants, restaurants that people need to go and try out when they're traveling abroad. These cities tell you which restaurants to choose, so we need to choose restaurants from Jacksonville, Chicago in L. A. That's where we need to focus because our listeners are gonna hear that and be like, Oh, yeah, I live right down the street from there. I'm gonna go and check that out. And when they try those restaurants and they're like, Wow, these restaurants were really great. I'll tell my friends that I discovered it on this podcast. That's how you can start to use this information to your benefit, to help you grow your audience. Does that make sense?
Travis: 3:48
So listener locations air cool just to see how your podcasts have been consumed worldwide, Then give me some insight into where your listeners are clustered. And then, if you've a podcast that really leans into geographically important and intentional information, then you want to use this information to make your podcast serve your listeners even better. Now if you want to do a deeper dive in the advanced podcast statistics. We have a full blown tutorial on our YouTube channel, and I'll make sure to leave a link in the show notes for that.
Travis: 4:16
But that is it for today. So hit the subscribe button if you're watching this on YouTube or he has ascribed to the five minute Monday's podcast in your favorite at Squeeze even more podcast related content into your life and if there's something you want me to cover on a future episode of the podcast, you just click the link in the show Notes for this episode. Fill out a simple form and, ah, and your question will be added to the Q. Thanks for listening and is always keep podcasting.