
A Brief Introduction to RevolutionZ

June 24, 2019 Michael Albert Season 1

A brief introduction to the podcast RevolutionZ from the host, Michael Albert. I report my opening mindset, hopes, and tentativeness with the technology. I describe my intended content, proposed episode structure, and current plans for starting, proceeding, and steadily improving and growing, from one episode a week to two and then three, - from my lone presentation episodes, to episodes with guests, to episodes answering questions posed by users -  and from just audio, to audio and video.

Just starting on this new project, I seek advice and help, as well.

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Speaker 1:

My name is Michael Albert. I'll be the host for the podcast RevolutionZ. I've been an activist for decades, largely in the publishing area, book publishing, Magazine Publishing, also media school, online schools, a lot of different projects.


Now. I work at Z Communications, mostly on the website ZNet. I also write a lot mostly about economic and social vision and strategy. The vision I guess, that I'm most closely associated with is of a participatory society and Participatory Economy, co-developed with Robin Hahnel and a number of other people. But now with the changing times, I hope to be able to provide a useful podcast. The plan is that RevolutionZ will focus on vision and strategy to make a better world. That means it will address issues of the day. It will address topical matters. It might address something from the culture, from music, or from film, but each time, and in particular when it's addressing activist events and efforts and movements, it will try to move from the specifics of the day to issues of vision, What do we want?, and strategy, How will we get it?

Speaker 1:

A podcast is something new for me. The technology is different and especially verbally addressing an audience that I can't see and can't relate to personally is very different than giving a public talk or writing. I'm just getting started. I'm not familiar with this medium. I hope RevolutionZ's production values will not be too rough here at the outset. And I hope over the first few episodes we'll learn and we'll get better, due to experience and increasing facility with the technology and with the methods.


RevolutionZ will start with one audio episode a week. It'll be be uploaded every Monday and it will be me reacting to some event or some movement activity or some cultural phenomenon and moving from the specific, again to the more visionary and strategic. Hopefully, before too long, RevolutionZ will add a second episode weekly, that would be uploaded on Wednesday and that would be me interviewing a guest. And the guest of course would speak about their area of involvement and experience, but again, hopefully moving from the specific to issues of vision and strategy. Another upgrade that we hope for is that on Fridays we'll be able to upload a question and answers episode where we get questions from people who listen to the podcast and who donate to support it. And I and the week's guest will address those questions as best we are able. And the final upgrade I have in mind, at least at this time and that I hope to enact pretty soon is that we'll add a video for all the episodes. In other words, we would then be doing podcasts, audio, and we would be doing video casts for a youtube channel at the same time. At this point I think you might very reasonably ask why not start with the desired three episodes a week and do both audio and video versions from the outset? Well, I would like to, but I simply can't afford it. In fact, just to keep doing one episode a week is going to require important listener support and then to add a second and a third weekly episode, and then to do video as well as audio is only going to be possible with somewhat more listener support. I wish that wasn't the case, but it is. Partly, it's due to some devastating family health issues that insurance and capitalist America just don't address and partly it's because a lifetime of movement salary in capitalist America means I now receive only very modest income from social security, so just to have a place to live and do the recording and filming and to have the time and focus to put into the episodes much less to cover various costs, I very much need your help. Patreon is an online operation that facilitates supporters of a great many projects aiding what they like with monthly donations. So I urge you to please consider helping me to initiate and improve as we learn from our first episodes and then to grow RevolutionZ by way of our Patreon page. It is at f Finally, even just starting up, I am hopeful to get some feedback. Do you have criticisms or suggestions, perhaps even some good wishes? If so, please send to I'm looking forward to hearing from you and I'm hoping for your support. This is again, Michael Albert signing off for RevolutionZ.