The Highly Valued Leader Podcast

003: How to Take Back Control of Your Career

Mel Savage Episode 3

Ever noticed how we tend to ignore stuff until it smacks us in the face? Well, careers often get the same treatment. But let's face it, your career isn't just some "thing" – it's where you spend a whopping 35% of your life. It foots the bills, pumps up your mojo, and shapes your self-worth. Big deal, right?

So, buckle up as I spill the beans on seizing control of your career in a 4-part saga, the very process I use with my rockstar clients. This episode? We're kicking it off by unraveling the master plan and diving deep into Stage 1: Rediscovering Your Best Self. Trust me, this is the career empowerment you didn't know you needed!

Once you listen to the podcast, head over to the show note comments @ and share what you believe about yourself when you're at your best.