Jana Spicka's Podcast

The Lament Session 2 Y/A 2020

Jana Spicka
Speaker 1:

Beth Demetry is a very fun word. I discovered Fatima by fem Metri, B a T H like bath, Y M U T R Y. Beth symmetry is the study of underwater depth of oceans and Lake floors, Lake underwater, ocean floors and Lake floors. It's like the study, the discovery of underwater depths of the floors of the oceans and lakes and the reason it's so fun is that word, um, comes from the G the Greek word deep, which means to measure the deep. And the reason that you care about that is because of first Corinthians nine, rather it's written, no eye has seen, no ear has heard. No heart has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him, but God has revealed it to us by the spirit. The spirit searches, all things, even the deep things of God fun, huh? Sorry. You're not, does everybody know that? Hello? So I just want to recap a couple of things. Uh, I know it was a lot this morning. Just want to remind you that devastation must find his expression. It must find its expression because it's a release of energy in the deep places, and it has to go somewhere and it has a purpose. So this exercise that we've done has a purpose. There's something that God is trying to do. And I'm just going to resay these things. I said to you earlier today, revelation of God, revelation of you, destruction of lies, new paths opened old paths closed. And so we love, we love to talk about the new with God. We rarely like to talk about old paths being closed. And so, because the Lord's just brought to my mind, I'm going to just trust that this do you know, the science behind the Nautilus shell starts small and it grows. And so that it doesn't go back. It creates a segment called a veil. God love it. And it pushes itself forward and it grows. And as it grows, it expands in its shell and creates a new shell and closes the bast. And it just keeps going forward. That is the kingdom of God. We don't go back. Old ways are closed. I said that. I just wanna remind you about miracles in the moment. So before we go through what we're getting ready to go through tonight, I want to remind you about this really key concept. You're not sitting in devastation, you're going through devastation. And the Lord is leading you somewhere for the purpose for his glory. If you knew that God was not going to waste one of your tears or your emotions or your hurts, and that somehow in the end, and for some of us, we're not going to know the glory until we get to heaven. Do you understand that? Because even the saints of old, I understood that, but we know that that's the promise. So here's some things that the Lord said this afternoon, don't agree with the devil about anything. So some of the stuff that we're getting ready to go through, just because it's ugly, doesn't mean that we're going to let the devil come in there and have any kind of renowned around it. Part of devastation is giving yourself permission to sit down in the pool of blood of your hurt, but you're sitting down there with Jesus and then here's the next step. Your blood eventually becomes covered by his blood. And that's where healing comes from. You're taking your hurt, your mess, and waiting for his perspective. We suck at that by the way. Amen. I'm sorry that I didn't look up this proverb, but you know, this hope deferred makes the heart sick. We love to quote that to people. And it's true hope to for does make the heart sick. But the rest of that verse is anybody know tree of life. And so you may be in the hope deferred makes the heart sick. That's maybe the devastation place that you're in, but you camp out on that promise because I'm aching now, but that longing is going to be fulfilled. And I will become a tree of life. This will be transformed into a tree of life, amen. Sooner or later. So I spent some time, um, Lara did this, uh, thing on racial reconciliation called we so honor. And we went through a whole, um, season of lament of learning, how to lament and all of us were kind of, uh, unfamiliar. This has to be an understatement. I'm familiar as an understatement and there's books like be the bridge. And there's like lots of writings on Lamont and that sort of thing. But I was so moved by it. And what I realized is missing and the way we currently handle our own devastations is no one has taught us how to lament. We don't know how to grieve. We don't know how to hurt, and we don't know how to lament. And so I'm just going to give you a couple of thoughts about that tomorrow, tonight, and then I just want to create this safe place for us. Just to be able to walk with each other a little bit. There's going to be tears. I don't want one person to say, I don't know I'm crying or I'm sorry, I'm crying. Cause we're gonna all be crying by the time it's over. Okay. Can we just all let's just say that again. We're going to all be crying before it's over and our tears are beautiful. Your tears are beautiful, right? That's really true. So the word lament has several different definitions. Most of them to well allowed to cry to rent your clothes. But one that was really important. That meant something to me for this weekend was, uh, one of the definitions is grown together, two grown together and they cited Romans eight 22, all creation groans for the sons and God sons and daughters of God to be revealed Romans eight 22. And it's like, there's something about we can learn from how do we go through these processes? I said, then the Lord, um, I was going, how do I, how do I put words around this? Like, how do we know how to do this? Well? And I just felt like the Lord just started showing me like pictures. When Jesus lamented over Lazarus death, he was weeping with the sisters over the loss of his friend. He deeply lamented on a personal level. He loved Lazarus. And even though he knew he was going to raise Lazarus from the dead, like people try to make this all theological. He knew he was standing at the foot of a grave and he would soon be there. And so, yeah, maybe all that, but Jesus was straight up a man. Do you understand? He had a heart and flesh like me and you and his friend was dead. And his dear friends were weeping and he was moved by compassion by their weeping empathy to the max. But not just, I can relate to you. I'm with you. Do you understand the difference? It's like we get so heady that we forget how to just have a human connection and experience and be with someone. But then Jesus also grieved over Jerusalem. Oh, how long to gather you like chicks. And he grieved over their hardheartedness. He grieved over their unbelief. He greeted her their unwillingness to just see him for who he was say, lah for somebody that Jesus is saying, I'm here. And I'm grieving for you to know me for who I really am, but then Jesus lamented and grieved in the garden for the world. And so sometimes we forget what that means. It's like, he's showing us how to do that. And in all of these situations, he kept going back to the father. He kept taking those very real human emotions and kept going back to the father and going I'm broken. I'm broken unto death, sweat and tears and blood. And I'm still with the father. So many times the more we're hurting, the more we run from God. Have you noticed?

Speaker 2:

So yeah,

Speaker 1:

I'm going to say some words and I'm going to try and say this really slowly so you can understand what I'm saying. This is what I've noticed in the last year, since this has happened. These are things that I hear women particularly say is the fear of being overwhelmed. Listen to what I'm saying. The fear of being overwhelmed by the grief causes us to cope and shut down and deny. You're not overwhelmed by the grief because you haven't felt the grief. You're overwhelmed by the fear of being overwhelmed. Can you, are you hearing my words? What's some Sue's what am I saying? Tom, say it back to me,

Speaker 2:

Keeps us from even feeling the feelings of being overwhelmed, right? It's like a shell around us, right?

Speaker 1:

So you're not even truly experiencing the humanity that God has blessed you with. Has the privilege of feeling a lament. You don't even let yourself, did you hear what I just said? The privilege of feeling a lament. If Jesus himself did not prevent himself from experiencing lament, why?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

If Jesus himself was willing to go through every myriad of emotions, why would we try to shut down block down, not experience those, but the fear of feeling of a WellMed causes us to just shut down and deny and cope. And I can't even say I can't even think about, I can't even think about cause I'm just so afraid of what will happen. If I possibly allow myself to do that, I'm no sister, what will happen? Like make yourself answer the question. Will you grieve? Will you fall apart in the arms of a living? God, is that such a terrible thing?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Am I going too fast? You guys with me? You okay. Okay.

Speaker 2:

As opposed to

Speaker 1:

That's one picture, as opposed to feeling overwhelmed with the Lord

Speaker 2:

Being right there with it. I know that I've shared this.

Speaker 1:

You've heard it before. I'm just telling you before I'm telling you up front, you've heard it before. One of my breakthrough moments with the Lord was when the Lord had told me to quit smoking and I didn't want to quit smoking. And so I kept smoking, but I smoked with the Lord. So I would go out on my deck and go, I know you hate these things, but I love you. And we're not going to hide from you anymore. That was pivotal breakthrough for my life. Realizing that I'm a full to things that I can hide my sin from a living God. And that he knows it. I know it. And if I'm going to at least do it with him and go make me want to want what you want. That got traction. Does that make sense? I'm just being honest. I know you don't want me to want this, but I want this and I'm going to keep doing it, but I'm willing to have my mind changed. It's the, with the Lord and that changed pivotally for me in every other emotion. So I don't have to hide or quit or massage or, Oh, I can't even talk about this. It's like just going no, I am so pissed off screaming, cussing match about my daughter about Chuck, about this just right there with him. Do you understand? Cause he already knows. He knows a word before you say it. So you might as well be with him in it. So this also relates to the grief and the lament that we feel, this is going to hurt. So many of us invest nothing but expect everything. You invest nothing in relationship with God, invest nothing with relationship with other people, but you expect everything. How's that working for you. You sacrifice no real honest connection of your own heart, but you want people to know you and understand you and embrace you, but you divulge nothing. Does this seem like insanity to you? How's that play in safe working for you? It's like it's, it's insanity. It's like, this is not what God's made us to do. So when I surrender to the Lord, I, I, when I surrender all these things to the Lord, I work from his goodness and I work on his power. I work from his power. Does this help me? Lord, when I surrender to the Lord, surrendering to I'm going to bank on your goodness, no matter what, here's what the exchange is. I surrender to the Lord and by faith call out, you gotta be good to me. Cause you said you would. And I know you're a man of your word. Have you all heard that song yet? And then what I get an exchange is his power to go through whatever he's called me to go through. Does that make better sense? Yeah. So instead of investing nothing and expecting everything you compromise, you change that posture with the Lord is I surrender everything to you and to your goodness with expectation. And then he gives you his power to go through every single situation that you would have to go through. It's a game changer. It's a way for you to go through life without this constant fear of, Oh no, what's going to happen. Oh no, what's going to happen. I don't have to worry about what's going to happen because he's with me and I'm surrendering my life to him. Well, I gave me this scripture second Corinthians 10, one through seven. Just want you to write it down and I want you to go look it up in different versions. Second Corinthians 10, one through seven. It's the passage of scripture that talks about divine weapons. You probably know that we waste, we don't wage war as the world wages, war, but the weapons that we have have divine power, but there's a phrase in there about the passion translation that talks about dismantling, dismantling. Um, what's the next word? I just totally lost it. Can you pull it up on the passion? Pull it up on fashion for me this man, I gotta just tell him, I'll just tell him blank. The word about you being able you understanding, okay. Chuck calls these stretch goals when it's so far out, what your belief is or what your faith is, but you just keep going. Cause you know, it's available. It's like knowing that your car will go a hundred, even though you've never put it up to a hundred, here's a stretch goal for you. You have the power because of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy spirit living in you to dismantle the schemes of the enemy brought against you,

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Awesome. You have the second Corinthians ten one through seven. Just read the passage about dismantling because of the power of the Holy spirit in you. You have the power, not your power whose power, Holy Spirit's power. We have this power and earth and vessels to show that this power is, we have this treasure in earthen vessels to show that this power is from God and not from us. It's like we have the power of the Holy spirit within us to dismantle demonic schemes brought against us.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay. Now, do we know how to do that perfectly? No. Well we have to try and practice. Sure. But that's still part of your inheritance. So it's still part of your legacy. That's still in your toolkit and you get to spend the rest of your life, practicing, failing, succeeding, faith. But it's, if you know that you have that, it's like being captain Marvel and not knowing that you can fly. If, if you know what I mean, captain Marvel can fly. So she needs to know that she can fly. And she also needs to, that she can swirl around. And does anybody remember this movie? And then like they were shooting bullets at her and then she realized, Oh, Hey, then she liked to start playing. Like once you stop worrying, Holy shit. Once you stop worrying so much about making God happy, once you stop worrying so much about trying to get it just right. You get to just play in this power vortex with the Holy spirit. Now we're getting somewhere, anybody getting somewhere yet? Yes. Go ahead.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I took off for a second, but I'm back. Go ahead

Speaker 2:

And were all those live in the natural realm? We don't waive a military campaign, employing human weapons, using manipulation to achieve our aims. Instead our spiritual weapons are energized with divine power to effectively dismantle. That was it. The finalists, the defenses behind which people hide

Speaker 1:

Dismantling dispenses by w from which people hi,

Speaker 2:

We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and breakthrough. Every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance to the true knowledge of God. We kept her like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it to be anointed one. Since we are armed with such dynamic weaponry, we stand ready to punish any trace of rebellion. As soon as you choose complete obedience.

Speaker 1:

So go look that up and then sit in it. That's one of those passages of scripture. You just need to read everyday for about six months until you get it. Okay. So I don't want to get too much overcoming cause I'm just trying to get you to understand. There's a reason and a purpose of why. If you, if you can't learn how to lament and grieve with the Lord, how will you ever learn how to be on a map? If you can't learn how to go through the Valley, how will you ever make it on the mountain? Right? Johnny? You say that again. If you don't know how to go through the Valley with the Lord, everybody loves Jesus. When it's going great. Everybody loved Jesus. Who loves Jesus. When it's the shit who believes Jesus, when he did not do what you asked, who believes Jesus, then the marriage is not Sade. The cancer does not go away. The money does not come. The bankruptcy sends rolling in the door because the money did it. What do you do then? And I say to you, you lament proper with the Lord going, ah, that's not what I was expecting, but God, and then you don't try to rise up out of this overcoming thing. You're just not going. I'm going to just sit right here with you until you tell me what it is I need to see about me. What was I believing about you? Was that treating you like a vending machine? Was I thinking that you're only good if I get my way? It's like, do you understand in that lament is where the Lord is going to reveal every lie, those things that she just read, every lie that sets itself up against the knowledge of God that is revealed in brokenness and heartache. Amen. Okay. So now suppose to show you this thing, so

Speaker 2:

You could repeat that again.

Speaker 1:

Alright. Let's try it again. I don't think I can, but I am recording it, so,

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You don't know what you believe until your belief system is shaken. And so when your belief system is shaken, that's when those lies come popping up and that's why you used to start. You're gone. I didn't even know that was there. Thank you for showing me that I repent of that. Please give me something else to believe true about you. The war is, and I've been saying this lately and it's true. And I'll say it again for you guys. The war is always for your devotion. There's nothing else. The enemy wants. People think he wants all this stuff. He don't want anything. He just wants your devotion. And so if he can wrap you up in this bundle of logic, God can't be trusted. He didn't come through. Well, you don't know what he did here. Well, my friends got this. So how can I'm so sick of people talking about the evil of the world? You know what I mean? So evil, the world is here. Cause we're guess what? You know, here we are. We all are here. Here we are. Do you to me. It's like, Jesus is the best hope that we have. So I'm going to come back to that. This thing is quite a conversation. Did I mention that our house has been through a hurricane? Did I mention that you would come through off the ocean? And the water was really close to our house when we first got here because the water had receded back all the way. And so there's a, a bunch of degree debris. And this thing is here. This[inaudible] thing is sitting here and we came out the next day and all the debris is gone except this route. And then we go through another high tide and another low tide and stuff has moved more debris, fresh debris, jellyfish come in and come out and this route. So I went and picked up the route. A check says, you are, you are not taking that.

Speaker 2:

[inaudible] what's fascinating.

Speaker 1:

I think I missed the Lord if I'm going to be really honest because it was alive. It was alive. When I first saw it, there was this thing. You could tell that there was still life in it. And the Lord said that would live. If somebody would plant that. And I went, I don't know what that is.

Speaker 2:

I mean, what if these like poison Ivy? I mean, you know what I'm saying? I don't know where this came from. It's like, I'm not going to plant that.

Speaker 1:

So I just kept looking at it and the Lord every single day that we come back to basically go here's that road there is that right there is that right? I said, then he started this conversation about, these are the things that he's been talking to me about. Where's your root system? How easily uprooted is your root system? What has been uprooted by this calamity? What were things that you didn't even know was going on? And now here's this root of sin or unbelief or a lie. That's just laying there plain for all, to see, including you, what are you going to do about this route? And then the whole concept I did actually two days ago, we'll go put it in water. And just the idea. If the Lord was trying to give me a gift and because I didn't know what it was, I just passed it by because there's something about the fact that that whole landscape of the ocean front changed every single day, except this I'm talking about six foot planks that were moved out in the night and this thing remained. So I'm just wondering as we're getting ready to do this exercise, pay attention to what God is trying to talk to you about. Is he trying to plant something that you don't have any thought about it? So, because you don't know about it, you don't think you really want that. Is he trying to uproot something in your life and you're going, I don't really think that's that big of a problem. It is. It's like just pay attention to the conversation. Now, how does that relate to devastation? You would never have known it was there. If it hadn't been laid bare by the devastation, always be looking for what he's doing in the middle of it. So I found that scripture that I told you about out of Hosea as Jose is six one through three, I'm just going to read it to you. You probably know it. Come let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces, but he will heal us. He has injured us, but he will bind up our wounds. And after two days he will revive us. And on the third day, he will restore us to different things that we may live in his presence. Let us acknowledge the Lord, let us press on to acknowledge him, acknowledge me, see him and open the door for him and everything. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear. He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth, when you're grieving, this is a GoTo passage. You just keep praying that over surely as the rising of Dawn, as surely as the rising of the Dawn, you will respond. So as you're going through a lament, here are some things, there's a list. Are you ready? It's going to be permission to so just make permission to Colin. And then I'm going to give you the rest of them. Okay? Permission to be angry permission, to go through the process, permission, to ask questions, permission, to not rush permission, to not look for a sitcom, but a testimony like a situation comedy, like a wrap up 30 minutes done, done, done, right? This isn't a fairytale ending. This is a testimony, a testimony. Don't look for a sitcom ending like a situation like a comedy ending. Am I using the right language? Like wrapping up something a little show really quickly. Oh. And then they fell in love and they, Oh, and then they got married and then they had to get that's what we do with the Christian faith. And God is not planting that he's planting testimonies. And the reason that you care about that, remember I told you earlier, don't try to get to the testimony before you go through the lament. And the reason that you go through the lament because the lament is what gives the testimony power.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So why do you care about your testimony? Because your testimony listen has the power of heaven to reproduce what you release. Your testimony has the power of heaven to release what, to reproduce, what you have released.

Speaker 2:

One more time.

Speaker 1:

Your testimony has the power of heaven to reproduce what you have released.

Speaker 2:

Perfect. So

Speaker 1:

I have a testimony of marriage that reproduces itself because it was born out of the fires of lament. Oh God, how long? Oh God, how long? Oh God, how long. So when I release a testimony, my God prevails and he does miracles in marriage. I got some power behind that now because me and Chuck are getting along great. Because I started releasing that testimony before we started getting along. But it was going, God said, I believe him. And every time you release your testimony, this is what God did for me. And now I expect him to do the same for you. You can put this in any situation, any of your heartache, you make it through. Do you, are you all, do you understand what I'm saying? Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. You're like, I used to say this in one of my classes. I think actually Heather was there. She goes, Oh my God, stop using this word. But your testimony is the sperm of God on the earth. Say there she is

Speaker 2:

[inaudible] but it's true.

Speaker 1:

You are releasing heaven on earth. When you release your testimony, I've seen God do this. I'm not talking about it. And I'll listen. I love you. I love you. Please hear my on this. I love the Bible. I love the Bible. I love the Bible. I love the testimony today of the power of God today. What is God doing today? And you're so busy waving the Bible around, but you got testimony for nothing. Cause you've tested God for nothing. And you want to know why that generation is walking away from the church because they don't see Jesus. They don't see power. They damn sure don't see devotion. What's the point. So you get your devotion lined up and then you started getting this power exchange and then you start having your own life change. And now let me tell you what God did for me. And that is what this book has done through the generations. This is how God a living God with living power showed up for me. And it's not this I'm just want him to show up. That's bullshit. That is not who you love in the Bible who you love. And the Bible is people who were racks and they were weak and they were sinners and they were somehow transformed by one thing. They believed God, that's it. They just believed God. It was so crushing for me to go back, do the, Oh my own areas of devastation. When I w the Lord woke me up in the middle of the night and I'm going, my child cannot eat anything. She's so sick. She can't anything she's allergic to everything. Her body is just doing. It's not, not allergic. Like you're thinking like she had some kind of malfunction and I just need you to do something. And the Lord took me to that scripture and accidents and said, an angel of the Lord appeared to this guy and even heard of, and will tell you the way to go. And I will heal your land and I will heal your food. And you will be a ripe vine in this land. I was not going, I believe it. I'm going to take it. And I'm just going to hold onto you. And I've got all these doctors telling me, telling me, telling me I'm going. I just need to hear from you. Jesus. I just need to hear from you, Jesus. And I believe that you're going to heal my daughter. I believe that. And so I go, I have a doctor's appointment the next day. And I go, Jesus told me last night that he's going to heal my daughter. And you should have seen the SCORM from the doctor. Here's your prescription, right? I go, I'm not filling that prescription goes, Jesus is going to heal my daughter. And do you know that my friend's son's specialists called me the next day and said, this is the way that you should go. The exact words that the Lord had given me in scripture, this is the way that you should go. I'm going to tell you how to it's like, you're just going. That's my testimony. So when I tell you that, God knows your every prayer and we'd got knows how to meet you, where you are. He's just waiting. Well, somebody actually believe me. When I say I'm going to do something, no shame, no shame, but that's, that's your a hundred mile an hour. Do you want to go 20 or like five miles over that bridge? Or do you want to go a hundred in the spirit? That's what I'm trying to throw out there for you. Amen. So while you're going your lament, you also have permission to be reminded of truth because we get crazy. You have permission to be challenged. You have permission to grow. And what I see with people going through devastation, they stop asking the right questions. And the questions always start with, tell me again, how much you love me. Tell, tell me again, tell me what you're thinking about my life beyond this moment. Right? Cause people who are like some of my friends who were just like bottomed out, their foundation has gotten shaken. And so they're going, I don't really know where to stand. I go, baby, you, you stand on the rock. That's where you stand and you don't move until you hear from the Lord. And like, just going, I'm going to keep just believing. So this is the scripture. The Lord just reminded me of. And unless a kernel of wheat fall to the ground, you know, this, it remains only a single seat, but if it falls, it becomes many seeds. God does not waste your devastation. You're like a seed cracked, open and devastation. And then you become multiplication, multiplication, multiplication. Okay. So what I'm going to attempt to do now,