The Road to Seven

Are You Pricing for Profit?

August 29, 2023 Shelagh Cummins Episode 180
Are You Pricing for Profit?
The Road to Seven
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The Road to Seven
Are You Pricing for Profit?
Aug 29, 2023 Episode 180
Shelagh Cummins

“If you're underpricing because you're trying to get more people to buy, you are literally going to get the bargain hunters, and bargain hunters have no loyalty.”

- Shelagh Cummins

Are you pricing your offers to pay the bills, or for profit? Many of the entrepreneurs that I work with find it incredibly challenging to properly price their offers, and end up making financial decisions for today, that leave money on the table for tomorrow.

The reality is, not monitoring and knowing and understanding your numbers is actually impacting the growth of your company. Because you're either overspending, underspending, or you're just not making strategic decisions that are going to help you grow.

Pricing too low is one of the biggest mistakes I see entrepreneurs make, because it is expensive to run a business. So in this episode of The Road To Seven podcast, I’m going to share with you a practical, step-by-step process to price your offers properly, so that you get more profit out of your business.

In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode of the Road to Seven podcast,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

  • What the biggest pricing mistakes entrepreneurs make are
  • My pricing strategies
  • How to future-proof your business through pricing

Highlights:‌ ‌

00:00  Intro

01:23  Pricing for profit

01:57  The biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make  

09:05  Base your pricing on future needs

11:02  Pricing is not randomly generated  

12:46  Perceived value  

14:57  Pricing strategy

23:56  You get to choose your business  

27:55  Wrapping up  



To work with me and make your next power move, visit: 


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Like what you’re hearing? Click here to follow on Apple Podcasts for more episodes to boost your Road to Seven today! I have more episodes with great tips and conversations with women that are revolutionizing the way we do business - don’t miss it! 


You can also join the Road To Seven Facebook group to meet other like-minded entrepreneurs who want to band together and help each other rise up.


I would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and boost their business too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” I’d also love to hear what your favourite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!


Follow me!  

Instagram: @shelaghcummins  

Twitter: @shelaghcummins 

Show Notes

“If you're underpricing because you're trying to get more people to buy, you are literally going to get the bargain hunters, and bargain hunters have no loyalty.”

- Shelagh Cummins

Are you pricing your offers to pay the bills, or for profit? Many of the entrepreneurs that I work with find it incredibly challenging to properly price their offers, and end up making financial decisions for today, that leave money on the table for tomorrow.

The reality is, not monitoring and knowing and understanding your numbers is actually impacting the growth of your company. Because you're either overspending, underspending, or you're just not making strategic decisions that are going to help you grow.

Pricing too low is one of the biggest mistakes I see entrepreneurs make, because it is expensive to run a business. So in this episode of The Road To Seven podcast, I’m going to share with you a practical, step-by-step process to price your offers properly, so that you get more profit out of your business.

In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode of the Road to Seven podcast,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

  • What the biggest pricing mistakes entrepreneurs make are
  • My pricing strategies
  • How to future-proof your business through pricing

Highlights:‌ ‌

00:00  Intro

01:23  Pricing for profit

01:57  The biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make  

09:05  Base your pricing on future needs

11:02  Pricing is not randomly generated  

12:46  Perceived value  

14:57  Pricing strategy

23:56  You get to choose your business  

27:55  Wrapping up  



To work with me and make your next power move, visit: 


Stay Connected


Like what you’re hearing? Click here to follow on Apple Podcasts for more episodes to boost your Road to Seven today! I have more episodes with great tips and conversations with women that are revolutionizing the way we do business - don’t miss it! 


You can also join the Road To Seven Facebook group to meet other like-minded entrepreneurs who want to band together and help each other rise up.


I would be really grateful if you left a review on iTunes so that others can find and boost their business too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” I’d also love to hear what your favourite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!


Follow me!  

Instagram: @shelaghcummins  

Twitter: @shelaghcummins