Light on Leeds

Corona Bloody Virus Extraordinary Episode 27: Sam Fish

July 13, 2020 Hazel Season 2 Episode 27

Sam Fish is the Director of Rolling Social Events and is the co-founder of Leeds Rum Festival and Leeds Gin Fair.

Sam is the Head of Food and Beverage at The Tetley.

She runs Sip Along events for those struggling to get out and about.

The featured track this episode is “The Ballad of Jenny Horne” by Chichilla Death Cult.

I make no money from this podcast and all I ask is that you enjoy it, tell your friends and if you could leave me a review I would be most grateful.

If you know of someone you think would make a great guest, do get in touch -

Do send an mp3 or a wav if you would like your track featuring on an episode.

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