God Attachment Healing

How Social Justice Issues Have Led to Division and Shaming Within the Church

Sam Season 2 Episode 37

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When you think about the church, you usually don't think about Christians shaming other Christians, right? Or, maybe you do? 

This has definitely been the case when it comes to the church's involvement in social justice issues. Progressive Christians have strongly criticized and shamed conservative Christians for not being involved, while the concern that conservative Christians have had is that the focus on social justice involvement has moved Christians away from the Gospel of Jesus Christ and preaching the truth of God's Word.  

My guest, Jon Harris, discusses the dangers of it and how Christians should be responding to social justice prompts. In this episode, we cover::
- what the difference is between shame and guilt, 
- how more progressive churches are shaming Christians who do not take part in social justice programs or activism, 
- what this means for Christians and the church, and
- how to keep Jesus as the focal point of the church and not social justice programs. 

Hope you can tune in! 

**To learn more about how social justice issues affect the church and the message of the Gospel, please buy Jon Harris's book, "Social Justice Goes to Church". - https://amzn.to/3lwCokw 

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God Attachment Healing


My mission is to help you understand your attachment style to learn how you can heal from the pain you’ve experienced in your relationship with God, the church and yourself.

I look forward to walking alongside you as you draw closer to Christ!