Church in the Peak

04/02/24 // Encouragement v Discouragement And The Benefits Of Fellowship // Paul Blecker

February 04, 2024 Church in the Peak
04/02/24 // Encouragement v Discouragement And The Benefits Of Fellowship // Paul Blecker
Church in the Peak
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Church in the Peak
04/02/24 // Encouragement v Discouragement And The Benefits Of Fellowship // Paul Blecker
Feb 04, 2024
Church in the Peak

Slides (PDF) 

As we start this new year of 2024 how you view 2023? We had a good year but both Ruth and I have struggled with infections etc. I got a bit depressed, the weight of the world on my shoulders. I accepted I needed help and sought prayer. I also spent time listening to Christian music. “I just speak the name of Jesus” stood out.

We get a lot more discouragements than encouragements. 

How can we best deal with all the discouragements? Hebrews 10:22-25

Thinking about encouragement, A farmer gets his animals to market by walking behind them carrying a long sharp stick, occassionally prodding them to get them to move forward.

How can we define encouragement?

The Greek word is parakletos - it describes not only giving comfort to someone but also involves exhortation, urging, and strengthening. The NT verb encourage can also mean “to comfort, cheer up, console or speak in a friendly manner”.
Jesus uses this verb in John 14:26 where he calls the Holy Spirit our helper our advocate, or as J B Phillips paraprashed it “someone to stand by you”

The ministry of encouragement is standing with one another, sometimes being the one who can reach down to help others who are struggling and sometimes being willing to reach up and accept the hand that is reaching down to help us.

This is more than a quick “hello how are you”. It is a willingness to stand with one another so that as a church community we are all-in and involved, not scrutinizing and criticising but affirming and strengthening. 

I came across this quote about being members of a Church
“The church humbles us as it’s one of those places in society today where we sit togther … as we focus on one simple objective to give praise and worship to Jesus and our loving heavenly father.”

Jesus teaches and shares many commands about “one another” these include encourage one another, love one another (John 13:34-35), welcome one another (Romans 15:7), confess your sins to one another (James 5:16-18). 

The gospel calls us to step out of our comfort zone as we respond to Jesus’s call to follow Him, to do what he is doing, listen to His prompting, be willing to do what he prompts, share what he gives us and go where he directs.

How can we grow in encouraging one another?

By meeting and sharing time around worship and studying the bible – community groups. If you aren’t part of a group, talk to one of the elders or email the church.

Romans 1:12

For those who have shared this morning – thankyou – for those who thought about sharing something that God showed you but didn't, I would say two things – if you have something during the week write it down and share it either with your group leader or one of the elders. Secondly just be willing to come to the front and share with whoever is leading the meeting and trust their judgement.

What other things could be done

Ask God who you should seek to encourage and pray for. And do it.
Share stories of how Jesus gets us through life – triumphs and disasters. This encourages one another.

Some other practical ways
•Thank each of the Elders for what they do in leading the church
•Send messages of encouragement or a simple how are you doing today?
•Be willing to spend time listening to those who are struggling
•Use your gifts or helping as God would prompt you.
•Work alongside someone else by offering to prepare and lead your community group or get involved with an Alpha course or a bible study
•Arrange to visit, go for a coffee or share a meal together
•Share a kind word for we never know what someone else is feeling or going through. Allow the Holy Spirit to prompt you and be brave enough to share whatever he gives you.

Hebrews 10:22-25

Show Notes

Slides (PDF) 

As we start this new year of 2024 how you view 2023? We had a good year but both Ruth and I have struggled with infections etc. I got a bit depressed, the weight of the world on my shoulders. I accepted I needed help and sought prayer. I also spent time listening to Christian music. “I just speak the name of Jesus” stood out.

We get a lot more discouragements than encouragements. 

How can we best deal with all the discouragements? Hebrews 10:22-25

Thinking about encouragement, A farmer gets his animals to market by walking behind them carrying a long sharp stick, occassionally prodding them to get them to move forward.

How can we define encouragement?

The Greek word is parakletos - it describes not only giving comfort to someone but also involves exhortation, urging, and strengthening. The NT verb encourage can also mean “to comfort, cheer up, console or speak in a friendly manner”.
Jesus uses this verb in John 14:26 where he calls the Holy Spirit our helper our advocate, or as J B Phillips paraprashed it “someone to stand by you”

The ministry of encouragement is standing with one another, sometimes being the one who can reach down to help others who are struggling and sometimes being willing to reach up and accept the hand that is reaching down to help us.

This is more than a quick “hello how are you”. It is a willingness to stand with one another so that as a church community we are all-in and involved, not scrutinizing and criticising but affirming and strengthening. 

I came across this quote about being members of a Church
“The church humbles us as it’s one of those places in society today where we sit togther … as we focus on one simple objective to give praise and worship to Jesus and our loving heavenly father.”

Jesus teaches and shares many commands about “one another” these include encourage one another, love one another (John 13:34-35), welcome one another (Romans 15:7), confess your sins to one another (James 5:16-18). 

The gospel calls us to step out of our comfort zone as we respond to Jesus’s call to follow Him, to do what he is doing, listen to His prompting, be willing to do what he prompts, share what he gives us and go where he directs.

How can we grow in encouraging one another?

By meeting and sharing time around worship and studying the bible – community groups. If you aren’t part of a group, talk to one of the elders or email the church.

Romans 1:12

For those who have shared this morning – thankyou – for those who thought about sharing something that God showed you but didn't, I would say two things – if you have something during the week write it down and share it either with your group leader or one of the elders. Secondly just be willing to come to the front and share with whoever is leading the meeting and trust their judgement.

What other things could be done

Ask God who you should seek to encourage and pray for. And do it.
Share stories of how Jesus gets us through life – triumphs and disasters. This encourages one another.

Some other practical ways
•Thank each of the Elders for what they do in leading the church
•Send messages of encouragement or a simple how are you doing today?
•Be willing to spend time listening to those who are struggling
•Use your gifts or helping as God would prompt you.
•Work alongside someone else by offering to prepare and lead your community group or get involved with an Alpha course or a bible study
•Arrange to visit, go for a coffee or share a meal together
•Share a kind word for we never know what someone else is feeling or going through. Allow the Holy Spirit to prompt you and be brave enough to share whatever he gives you.

Hebrews 10:22-25