GP Soccer Podcast

GP Soccer Podcast Interview with Leaton St. Clare

December 08, 2020 Giovanni Pacini Season 3 Episode 13

Welcome to the GP Soccer Podcast! This episode is entirely dedicated to one very important topic and effort...that being able to donate much needed soccer shoes and equipment to the soccer community in the country of Belize. Host Giovanni Pacini interviews Leaton St. Clare of the City Boys Football Club who is the driving force behind this much needed effort. The discussion revolves around the economic suffering of a country and soccer community that looks to best serve its players and families.  This is an episode that needs broad and far reaching attention so as to best serve the effort to supply much needed soccer shoes and equipment. 

"Allow me to thank my audience in advance for any and all efforts made to help those within the Belizian soccer community as they strive to overcome this challenge."
-Giovanni Pacini- Host of the GP Soccer Podcast