White Shores with Theresa Cheung

Broken mirror: Discussing eating disorders and body image issues with psychologist, certified yoga and body image expert and author, Dr Nicole Schnackenberg

Theresa Cheung Season 2 Episode 21

Broken mirror: Discussing eating disorders and body image issues with psychologist, certified yoga and body image expert and author, Dr Nicole Schnackenberg.

Dr Schnackenberg discusses eating disorders and body image problems and how her work as a yoga teacher and body image author is raising awareness of the vital missing spiritual dimension in treatment.

Note: Apologies, in the audio introduction I incorrectly describe Nicole as a physiotherapist but she is, of course, a psychotherapist. 

To contact and find out more about Nicole’s research, work, teaching and writing visit:



To find out more about Theresa’s bestselling afterlife, heaven, angel and spiritual titles and mission, visit:


You can contact Theresa via her author pages on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and you can email her directly at angeltalk710@aol.com

To find out about the theme music used in both Season 1 and 2 of White Shores visit:


The meditation piece at the end of the episode is the Second Movement of Ravel's piano concerto in G major performed by Robert Cheung. 

White Shores Season 2 is produced by Robert Cheung