White Shores with Theresa Cheung

BEHIND YOUR EYES with dream therapy and lucid dreaming expert, Dr Clare Johnson

March 14, 2021 Theresa Cheung Season 4 Episode 12

BEHIND YOUR EYES with dream therapy and lucid dreaming expert, Dr Clare Johnson

Theresa catches up again with dream therapy and deep lucid dreaming expert Dr Clare Johnson about the healing power of dreams. Clare also discuses her pioneering research, writing and work in the field of lucid dreaming - the ability to know you are dreaming when you are dreaming and how ‘waking up’ in your dreams can help you lead a happier and more creative life. 

To find out more about lucid dreaming and Dr Clare Johnson visit:

Website: https://deepluciddreaming.com/

Email: Deepluciddreaming@gmail.com 

To find out more about decoding and living your dreams and Theresa’s bestselling Dream Dictionary A to Z (Harper Collins) as well as her other spiritual books and mission visit:


You can contact Theresa via her author pages on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and you can email her directly at angeltalk710@aol.com

Thank you to Cluain Ri for the episode music. 

The piano piece performed at the end by RCM scholar, Robert Cheung, is Satie’s First Gnossienne

White Shores is produced by Robert Cheung