Episode #88. Inspiring Connections. Why we take a side, who is hot or not the beginnings of facebook. Dr Mark Williams, cognitive neuroscientist

Professor Selena Bartlett, Neuroscientist and Group Leader Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity, Translational Research Institute, QUT

 Dr Mark Williams who is a cognitive neuroscientist discusses his new book. The Connected Species: How the evolution of the human brain explains and offers solutions for societal challenges including racism, sexism, marginalisation, and extremism. 

Mark says in his book: "as a card-carrying cognitive neuroscientist, I firmly believe that understanding our brain and how it works will help us understand our behaviours and how to control them. Since I started studying the human brain some 25 odd years ago the advances and huge leaps we have made in our understanding of the brain is mind boggling. Much of this work has come about due to the development of fantastic new technologies that allow us to peek inside the skull of a human that is still living. And it is amazing how much of our brain is dedicated to connecting with others.
In Summary
• Group living and socialising was the catalyst to many of the great advances that we
have made.
The Connected Species by Dr Mark A. Williams
• For millions of years, we have lived in groups and evolved a myriad of important
abilities to enable us to socialise.
• Language, and reading and writing are very new abilities that require conscious
• It is our ability to collaborate and specialise that stands us apart from other species
and has resulted in our vast number of innovations

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