The Sweetest (and Toughest) Job

Loving Your Body with Nicole Miller

Rachel Olson/Nicole Miller Season 3 Episode 54

Nicole Miller is a working mom who also runs a Health and Mindset coaching business helping women heal their relationship with food and with their body. She passionately believes that life is too short to be lived obsessing and feeling guilt over food and hating your body. She believes we must heal the beliefs that tell us we are not enough and that our body defines our worth.  

On this episode, we talk about the importance of a positive body image and letting go and breaking free of the pressures to look a certain way so you can live freely.  We talk about choosing self-love and the importance of modeling positive self image to your children.  

Highlights from this episode include:

  • We talk about the societal pressure to “bounce back” after baby
  • Recognizing the pressures to look a certain way and learning to break free from feeling inadequate 
  • Choosing self-compassion and love over self-criticism to start healing body image
  • Body image issues related to pregnancy and postpartum and how to cultivate self-acceptance

Nicole is the founder of “The Life I Crave”. Nicole helps women transform their relationships with food and their body. As someone who overcame years of chronic dieting and negative self image, she has a deep passion for helping other women discover their own true worth so they can live from a place of joy and confidence. Between coaching and her 10+ years working as a counselor Nicole has helped hundreds of people transform their lives. Nicole is a mom, an avid Crossfitter and a wife. She enjoys the outdoors, cooking and traveling with her family.  



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