

July 23, 2019 Amy Markham Season 1 Episode 7
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Jul 23, 2019 Season 1 Episode 7
Amy Markham

In college, a professor of mine told me that if I was to teach my students anything, it had to be symbols. At the time I was like “of course”, but it wasn’t until later when I found the meaning and my own personal relationship with symbols that I truly understood why. 

“Symbolism is the obvious next key to unlocking our creative self.”

In this week’s episode, I discuss the power of symbols and how it takes a long time to really understand it’s complexity, especially on a personal level. I share some advice derived from my own passion for symbolism and take a look at the different forms symbolism takes in our lives. Through research into symbols, artists can bring a deepened meaning to their work, allowing them to produce pieces that are more intimate, unique and intimate to their audience. However, symbolism transcends art and becomes a part of our identity and our understanding of the world around us - when we let it. 

“It is hard to express how significant symbolism is - it just has to be experienced”

“Everything we create is a symbolic understanding of the world around us and we take those questions that we have and we try to answer them through symbolic understanding”

Research Resources:
Every week I make mini courses to help you go deeper with the content discussed on the show. Follow the link below for curated content.
Starling: Symbolism

Key Points:

  • To be able to see the world in a symbolic way is essential in enhancing your personal development.
  • Symbolic understanding is second nature before we can even read or write. Everything from lucky socks, black cats, religious traditions and a lucky rabbit’s foot are connected to symbolism. 
  • Being able to find and utilize symbolic essence can translate things much more quickly and with more meaning to your audience. 
  • Right now is the most visually rich period in our history - memes, GIFS, emojis, endless Instagram pictures. 
  • Symbolism is used both consciously and subconsciously - in your dream life and your awake life. 
  • We are all symbols of something to the people around us. What do you symbolize?

This Week’s Suggested Practices:

  • Identify systems of symbolism you are already well versed in 
  • Review your past artwork and identify symbols and symbolic themes. (Did you add them purposefully or did they arise on their own?)
  • Document your own symbolic understandings. (Always develop your own understanding before starting research into the universal meanings.)
  • Perhaps create a symbolic journal that documents your meanings and notice how this meaning develops and evolves over time
  • Decide what you symbolize. What are you a symbol of and how does this connect to your personal identity?
  • Create work around this theme. See what symbolism offers you as you create.
Show Notes

In college, a professor of mine told me that if I was to teach my students anything, it had to be symbols. At the time I was like “of course”, but it wasn’t until later when I found the meaning and my own personal relationship with symbols that I truly understood why. 

“Symbolism is the obvious next key to unlocking our creative self.”

In this week’s episode, I discuss the power of symbols and how it takes a long time to really understand it’s complexity, especially on a personal level. I share some advice derived from my own passion for symbolism and take a look at the different forms symbolism takes in our lives. Through research into symbols, artists can bring a deepened meaning to their work, allowing them to produce pieces that are more intimate, unique and intimate to their audience. However, symbolism transcends art and becomes a part of our identity and our understanding of the world around us - when we let it. 

“It is hard to express how significant symbolism is - it just has to be experienced”

“Everything we create is a symbolic understanding of the world around us and we take those questions that we have and we try to answer them through symbolic understanding”

Research Resources:
Every week I make mini courses to help you go deeper with the content discussed on the show. Follow the link below for curated content.
Starling: Symbolism

Key Points:

  • To be able to see the world in a symbolic way is essential in enhancing your personal development.
  • Symbolic understanding is second nature before we can even read or write. Everything from lucky socks, black cats, religious traditions and a lucky rabbit’s foot are connected to symbolism. 
  • Being able to find and utilize symbolic essence can translate things much more quickly and with more meaning to your audience. 
  • Right now is the most visually rich period in our history - memes, GIFS, emojis, endless Instagram pictures. 
  • Symbolism is used both consciously and subconsciously - in your dream life and your awake life. 
  • We are all symbols of something to the people around us. What do you symbolize?

This Week’s Suggested Practices:

  • Identify systems of symbolism you are already well versed in 
  • Review your past artwork and identify symbols and symbolic themes. (Did you add them purposefully or did they arise on their own?)
  • Document your own symbolic understandings. (Always develop your own understanding before starting research into the universal meanings.)
  • Perhaps create a symbolic journal that documents your meanings and notice how this meaning develops and evolves over time
  • Decide what you symbolize. What are you a symbol of and how does this connect to your personal identity?
  • Create work around this theme. See what symbolism offers you as you create.