New Hope Community Church

The Things Which Happened To Me

New Hope Community Church, Don Lough
We are thankful for God’s Word and His servant who is speaking this weekend. Don Lough is the Executive Director of Word of Life Fellowship. He has served with Word of Life for over 21 years as a part of sharing, teaching, and training each generation to reach their generation. Open together to Philippians 1 as we look at His Word."The Things which Happened to Me"Philippians 1: 12-211. Adversity should open your eyes to the reality that God is at work.Romans 8: 28a. work in others' lives1) God was working in the soldiers' lives (13).2) God was working in the saints' lives (14).b. work in my life1) correction Hebrews 12: 112) grow, mature3) more sensitive, caring, compassionate4) making me more content Philippians 4: 112. Adversity should open your heart to what is most important.a. God's peopleb. the Gospelc. God's glory (21)3. Adversity should push you to your knees recognizing your utter need for God.Application:1. Stop allowing your circumstances to dictate your level of joy.2. Stop being negative over the things that are happening.3. Lean upon God instead of people.4. Ask God to reveal what He wants to do in and through your life.