New Hope Community Church

Nothing's Impossible: Your Broken Dream

New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
Genesis 22: 9-10 #1. Whose dream was it? Genesis 12: 1-3 Is this something you sense God promised you? Is it something you came up with yourself? #2. How have you tried to accomplish it? Genesis 15: 5-6 Genesis 16: 1-4a Do you want another Middle East in your life? I don’t want to be ahead of God or behind Him. I want to be right in step with His Spirit. Galatians 5: 25 #3. Will you trust God, even if the dream dies? Genesis 22: 9-10 We have defining moments in life that can either crush us or shape us. Genesis 22: 5 Hebrews 11: 17-19 Questions to consider - Whose dream was it? - How have you tried to accomplish it? - Even if it is dead, do you believe that God can resurrect dead things? - Have you given your life to God?