New Hope Community Church

Nothing's Impossible: Your Hopeless Situation

New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
Nothing's Impossible: "Your Hopeless Situation" Exodus 14: 10-20 #1. Facing a hopeless situation Exodus 14: 10 #2. Our normal response to major trouble Exodus 14: 11-12 #3. God’s help for our hopeless situation Exodus 14: 13-20 When facing a hopeless situation... - 1. do not be afraid - v. 13a - 2. be still & let God work -v. 13b - 3. have a victory mindset - v. 13c-14 - 4. move forward in faith, not feelings - v. 15 - 5. listen for & follow God’s instructions - v. 16 - 6. look for God to be glorified through it - v. 17—18 the most important question to ask..."God, how are you wanting to glorify yourself through this?" - 7. know that you are protected by God - v. 19-20 Questions to consider… - What is your hopeless situation? - How are you responding to it? - Are you looking to the Lord for help?