New Hope Community Church

Discover Your Purpose: What Makes You Different

New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
All of us wonder at times in our lives, what am I supposed to do with my life? What is my purpose for being here? During this series, we’re going to discover that God created us for a reason. He has a plan for each of our lives, and we’re going to talk about how you can find out His plan for your life! #1. How has God made you? Psalm 119: 73 Isaiah 44: 24 Job 10: 8a Psalm 139: 13-16 v. 13 "You formed the deepest parts of who I am." v. 14 "I am like no other, one-of-a-kind." v. 15-16 "You saw me when I was forming and planned out the days of my life even before I was born." Parts of who you are that impact the purpose of your life... - your personality - your passions/interests - your God-given talents #2. What has God given you? Mark 14: 8 She couldn’t do what she couldn’t do. She could do what she could do. Mark 12: 44 John 6: 9 Exodus 4: 2 What has God given to you? - money - resources/equipment - spiritual gifts (Romans 12, I Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, I Peter 4) administration – ability to organize pioneering/apostolic – ability to lead out in new efforts discernment – ability to understand truth/error evangelism – ability to share Christ with others encouraging – ability to build up others faith – ability to trust God in big ways giving – ability to give sacrificially hospitality – ability to welcome others knowledge – ability to understand God’s Word leadership – ability to lead others in ministry mercy – ability to care for others prophecy – ability to speak God’s Word boldly pastor/shepherd – ability to guide God’s people serving others – ability to serve others teaching – ability to share God’s Word meaningfully wisdom – ability to apply God’s Word to real life Matthew 6: 33