New Hope Community Church

The King is Coming: Looking for His Return

New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
During this time of year, we celebrate Advent.  The King is Coming!  That's what Advent means.  We celebrate His coming into this world. In this series, we look into God's Word to see how we can clear the path in our hearts so that we can get the most out of His coming into this world and into our lives! The King is Coming: “Looking for His Return” II Peter 3: 3-18 #1. Jesus is coming back again II Peter 3: 3-9 John 14: 2-3 Acts 1: 9-11 I Thessalonians 4: 16-17 Jesus’ 2nd coming is mentioned more than any other subject in the Bible (except salvation). There are about 300 prophecies of Jesus’ 1st Coming. There are about 1800 prophecies of His 2nd Coming. 23 of 27 NT books mention the 2nd Coming In the 4 books that don’t… - 1 implies it. - The other 3 are short, 1 chapter letters. All of the NT writers mention the 2nd Coming somewhere in their writings. There are 216 chapters in the N.T., and they contain 318 references to the 2nd Coming. Every 25-30 verses in the Bible has a reference to the 2nd Coming. #2. He tells us some things to watch for - He challenges us to watch Matthew 24: 4, 23-25, 33, 42, 44 Matthew 25: 13 Mark 13: 33-37 II Peter 3: 10 #3. How we’re to live as we watch II Peter 3: 11-18 - be saved - be sharing & serving (Matthew 24: 45-46) - be sensitive to sin (Titus 2: 11-13) - be scanning