New Hope Community Church

Growing Deeper, Getting Stronger: Partnering with God’s People

New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
#1. We need other people in our lives - Life is dangerous. I Peter 5: 8 - We were designed to need each other. I Corinthians 12: 14 Ephesians 4: 16 #2. God gave us the church ek-klesia = “The ones called out” What is a church? A church is a local gathering of people in a particular area who are saved and baptized and agree to partner together to seek God, help one another walk in God’s ways, and do God’s work in this world. Not a building Not an organization Not a denomination or large ministry love = an unconditional commitment for the good of another The church is not a building. The church is the people. God’s people. My people. Why do we need a church family? - God promised to bless the church. Matthew 16: 18 - If we love God, we will love and relate closely with His people. I John 3: 14 - God tells us to be actively involved in the church. Hebrews 10: 24-25 - We need partners in life & the Lord’s work. Philippians 1: 3-5 - Jesus died for the church. Ephesians 5:25 You take care of things that matter to the people you love. #3. Baptism is an important starting point Acts 2:41 You don’t have to be baptized to be saved. You have to be baptized to be obedient. You should be baptized. Before you are baptized, someone should talk with you. Before you are baptized, you should know who is baptizing you. When you are baptized, you usually become a part of that church.