New Hope Community Church

Easter Brings Hope

New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
Luke 24: 13-35 For many people, Easter is a time to get together with family, be off from school, and go to church. However, God wants us to know that He gave us Easter for much more than that. If you have faced some serious challenges in your life, Easter brings hope! It only takes a few moments for our lives to be changed completely. #1. We all face major hurts and disappointments I Peter 5: 6-7 #2. Jesus wants to meet us there - He is patient with us - He speaks to us Could it be that the thing you are missing most in your clearly hearing from God on a regular basis? Why would we not recognize Jesus? #1. Our pain is too deep to see God with us #2. We aren’t expecting to see Him #3. He comes differently than we expected I have not left you. I am still here. Will you listen to my voice? - God #3. There is hope for the future This problem will not define me. In Christ, I will be victorious over it. Proverbs 3: 5-6 Luke 24: 33-35 When you have met the Risen Lord, you will never be the same. Because He lives (in me), I can face the future. I don't know what the future holds, but I know One who holds the future.