New Hope Community Church

Growing Deeper, Getting Stronger: Living with Integrity

New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
Have you begun exploring what it means to follow Christ, but are sensing that there is more? Maybe you've been a Christian a while but have moved away from your closeness with Christ. In this series, we talk about some key elements to growing and getting stronger as a follower of Christ. Psalm 15: 1-5 #1. Understanding integrity Integrity is... - Your desire to be the same person in every aspect of your life. - A desire to honor God in every area of your life. Psalm 15: 2-5b He who walks with integrity, and works righteousness, - A person of integrity seeks to do what is right And speaks truth in his heart. - A person of integrity speaks truth from a sincere heart 3 He does not slander with his tongue, - A person of integrity does not speak badly about other people Nor does evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against his friend; - A person of integrity does not do anything to harm other people 4 In whose eyes a reprobate is despised, - A person of integrity is bothered when wrong is done But who honors those who fear the LORD; - A person of integrity loves to see people follow God’s will He swears to his own hurt and does not change; - A person of integrity keeps their word even when it is hard 5 He does not put out his money at interest, - A person of integrity does not take advantage of other people Nor does he take a bribe against the innocent. - A person of integrity will not sacrifice others for their own interests #2. The importance of integrity Psalm 15: 1, 5c 2 reasons to live a life of integrity: - to be close to God - to live a solid life What is it costing me to not follow God? #3. The path to integrity Psalm 15: 2-5b How to become a person of integrity: - be saved John 3: 3 Proverbs 15: 3 - deliberately choose a life of integrity Daniel 1: 8a - surrender your life to God each day - consider the impact Ephesians 4: 14 - have support from others Proverbs 13: 20 - when your defenses are down, rely on God’s past instructions