New Hope Community Church

Growing Deeper, Getting Stronger: "Living with Sexual Integrity"

May 17, 2015 New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
New Hope Community Church
Growing Deeper, Getting Stronger: "Living with Sexual Integrity"
Show Notes
Hebrews 13: 4 79% of men 18-30 yrs. old view pornography monthly 64% of all men view pornography monthly 86% of men would look at pornography if they knew wouldn’t get caught 90% of boys & 70% of girls have been exposed to pornography online 56% of divorces are attributed to at least 1 spouse’s continued use of inappropriate websites If we want to stop getting what everyone else is getting, we will have to stop doing what everyone else is doing. #1. God designed intimacy to be a blessing Hebrews 13: 4a Matthew 19: 3-6 Genesis 2: 22-25 An incubator = A controlled environment for small babies to become more developed: that sounds like marriage! #2. We have distorted God's design Hebrews 13: 4b 3 major ways we have distorted God’s design: - pornography - homosexuality Only 2.3% in the U.S. over age 18 identify themselves as gay, lesbian, or bisexual. - adultery I Thessalonians 4: 3-8 ‘transgress’ = to go way over a boundary ‘defraud’ = to take advantage of someone or take more than your proper share of something “They bound themselves by an oath not for any criminal end but to avoid theft or robbery or adultery, never to break their word or repudiate a deposit when called upon to refund it.” -Pliny, the governor of Bithynia, reporting to Trajan, the Roman Emperor (Quoted in Barclay Daily Bible Study Series) “In the early days, the Christians presented such a purity to the world that not even their critics and their enemies could find a fault in it.” -Quoted from Barclay Daily Bible Study Series