New Hope Community Church

Growing Deeper, Getting Stronger: Dedicating Your Home to God

June 28, 2015 New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
Have you begun exploring what it means to follow Christ, but are sensing that there is more? Maybe you've been a Christian a while but have moved away from your closeness with Christ. In this series, we talk about some key elements to growing and getting stronger as a follower of Christ. Joshua 24: 1-15 #1. Learn from the past “Those who ignore the past are destined to repeat it.” Sometimes, God brings us to special places where He can speak to us in a special way. 2 things God wants us to learn from our past: - Our mistakes - His goodness to us What are some things from your past that God might want to use to help your home be stronger in the future? -in our nation -in your extended family (family of origin) -in your own life -in your marriage -with your kids #2. Make your decision Joshua 24: 14-15 Sometimes, it is time to make your decision. II Corinthians 6: 2b Hebrews 3: 7-8 Philippians 3: 13b-14 Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is not promised. What will you do today? How to dedicate your home to God: - Make it your aim to glorify God I Corinthians 10: 31 - Give the relationships to God 2 of the best decisions you can make for your home: pray for each one by name every day pray with your family every day - Promote a Godly atmosphere You will not stumble upon Godliness. I Timothy 4: 7b - Be dead to self. If you want your home to be all that it needs to be, you must stop being focused on self!