New Hope Community Church

Finding True Joy: "Joy in Relationships"

New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
This is the beginning of a new series of messages for the summer from the New Testament book of Philippians entitled “Finding True Joy”.All of us have a hunger in our hearts to find peace, contentment, and fulfillment in our lives. During this study, we’ll learn some of the things that God says in His Word that will bring us true joy in our lives. Today, we’re going to look at Philippians 1 and learn about finding “Joy in Relationships”.“Joy in Relationships”Philippians 1: 1-11Acts 16:12Key verse in PhilippiansOnly conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I will hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel. (1:27)Theme of Philippians"Standing strong in unity through humility for the sake of the gospel with joy all the way"#1. Praying for others – v. 3-4intercessory prayer planMon. – missions, Tues. – tasks, Wed. – workers, Thurs. – thanksgiving,Fri. – family (extended) & friends, Sat. – sinners, Sun. - saints#2. Telling others how you feel about them – v. 5-8#3. Desiring the best for others – v. 9-11Galatians 4:19, Ephesians 4:12-15, III John 4consider these questions…>do I have a desire to think of others more often?>do I have time in my life to be actively involved with others?