New Hope Community Church

Finding True Joy: "Joy in Being Accepted by God"

New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
Many people believe that we have to “work our way to God”. Even many churches and religions teach this. As a result, many people are confused and frustrated when it comes to God. However, this is not what the Bible says. The Bible says that it is only by receiving God’s grace that we can know Him, and when we begin to realize what God’s amazing grace is all about, it brings great joy to our lives! Turn with us as we study Philippians 3 and learn about finding joy in God’s amazing grace."Joy in Being Accepted by God"Philippians 3: 1-61. We all need someone to teach us about grace (1) Ephesians 2: 8-92. Watch out for those who would rob us of grace (2-3) Acts 15:5 Judaizers Effects of grace robbers:a. Take away from Jesus' workb. Keep people from assurancec. Steal the joy of our salvation John 10: 10 overflowing life 1 John 5: 3 Matthew 11: 30d. Block people from God3. Everyone of us is in need of God's grace (4-7)