New Hope Community Church

Forgiveness: Should I Share It?

New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
So far in our series, we’ve focused on the critical need that we all have for forgiveness in our relationship with God. This weekend, though,we’re going to begin talking about how forgiveness works in our relationships with others. All of us have been hurt by other people. As followers of Jesus, how do we deal with that in our lives?“Forgiveness: Should I Share It?”Matthew 18: 21-351. A question that needs to be asked – v. 212. The teaching our Lord gives to us – v. 22-34I Corinthians 13: 5 10,000 talents>a talent = 15 yrs. of wages>10,000 talents = 150,000 yrs. of work>avg. household today = $7,500,000,00010,000 = highest number in Greek = ‘innumerable amount’100 denarii > 100 days wages = ~3 months’ pay.)#3. The implications for our lives – v. 35a. God is a forgiving GodMicah 7: 18, Jonah 4: 2b. we owe Him a debt that is unpayable by uswould have taken the servant 2,000 lifetimes of 75 yrs. to pay off debtc. when we come to God in humility, He is willing to forgive our debtd. His willingness to forgive me compels me to forgive others“...the key to forgiveness is to stop focusing on what others have done to us and focus instead on what Jesus has done for us.” e. Not being willing to forgive is not good