New Hope Community Church

Running from God: "How is that Going for You?"

January 20, 2013 New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
Most of us have run from God at some point in our lives. Many of us may even be doing that right now. We need to understand, though, that running from the Lord is not without consequences. That decision can have a huge impact on our lives, as well as the lives of others around us. Turn to Jonah 1:4-17 as we talk about “Running from God: How’s that Going for You?”“Running from God: How’s That Going for You?”Jonah 1: 4-17 Pastor Robbie Lankford#1. The impact on others>repetition>intensity>unexpected contrasts/opposites >intentional structure>parallelismsAmos 9: 2-3Psalm 139: 7-10>word orderProverbs 16:33#2. The impact on youRunning from God…a. brings a lot of frustration to your lifeb. means you are missing God’s best for youc. causes you to experience many things God never intended for you Romans 6: 23d. costs you a lote. makes you unaware of serious dangers around you I Thessalonians 5: 6f. could cut short your lifeg. may be an indicator that you don’t know GodJeremiah 29: 11