New Hope Community Church

Fruit of the Spirit: Fruit #1 - Love (part 2)

New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
Last message, we kicked off our series about the fruit of God's Spirit working in our lives by learning about the first one ... LOVE! Love is such a critical part of God's work in and through our lives that we are going to spend one more week learning how God wants it to be lived out in our lives. Turn to 1 Corinthians 13 as we study God's Word together.Review of pt. 1LOVE IS…#1. vital/essential#2. patient#3. kind#4. not jealous#5. not boastful#6. not arrogant#7. not inappropriateFruit of the Spirit: Fruit #1 - Love (part 2)Galatians 5:22-231 Corinthians 13#1. Love is not self-seeking – v. 5b#2. Love is not easily angered – v. 5c#3. Love does not keep a record of wrongs – v. 5d #4. Love gets excited about good things, not bad things – v. 6 Romans 1#5. Love conquers all – v. 7-13>protects all things>believes all things>hopes all things>endures all things>never fails