Marketing Upheaval

The Secret to Public Health Campaigns: Behavior Change

Creative Outhouse Season 3 Episode 38

Health messaging is part of every brand's communication now. So how do we develop campaigns with behavior change messaging to promote public health? How do we speak to people's minds and hearts? To get them to do what's best for them, even when they'd rather not? Learn more here.

Hey folks, this is Rudy Fernandez from Creative Outhouse. With COVID-19, health messaging is part of every brand's communication now. So how do we develop messaging that encourages healthy behaviors?

How do we speak to people's minds and hearts?

To get them to do what's best for them, even when they'd rather not?

How do we keep COVID-19 from becoming an all-out political war on messaging?

In this episode Jana Leigh Thomas from Porter Novelli and I talk about this. At Creative Outhouse we've worked with Porter Novelli on public health campaigns for a long, long time for the CDC, health associations and hospitals. Health is an emotionally charged topic and it's one of our specialties. Because we specialize in creative that's not only powerful, but is based on the science of human behavior and behavior change.

This is an important episode, so check it out. And let us know what you think here:

Jana Thomas on Public Health

Welcome to Marketing Upheaval. My guest is Jana Leigh Thomas , Executive Vice President at Porter Novelli , Jana is an expert in public policy, particularly when it comes to public health and behavior change. For most of her 20+ year career, Jana has worked on public health initiatives from a local, national, global scale. We've worked together on many public health projects that influence behavior, and we're going to talk about one of those today. Public Health communications seems like a good topic in the middle of a pandemic. 

In this episode we cover:

Public Health Messaging for Consumer Campaigns
Information is Not Motivation
Behavior Change and Values
The Story We Tell Ourselves
Creative Outhouse Case Study: Autism Awareness Campaign -
Messaging for Healthcare Providers
Changing the Narrative for Behavior Change
Leadership During COVID-19
Public Health Messaging
Behavior Change Marketing
OmniChannel Marketing
The Branding of Schitt's Creek

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