The International Connection

058: How I Discovered My Creativity - Ashley Peake Wellman

October 09, 2020 Jag Sandhu & Ashley Episode 58

Today on The International Connection, we'll talk about discovering and then re-discovering your creativity. We're interviewing Ashley Peake Wellmen, who is a published author and an innovative creator.

The reason why Ashley's story is so special is that at first, she wanted all the same things that we want, i.e., a career, a good life, being a good parent, etc and she achieved all of that until she suffered through a tragic personal loss. During that difficult time, Ashley gathered some courage and somehow discovered her creative side. To be more specific, she made her daughter a central part of her creativity and just took that very first step of sharing her creativity with the world. Little did she know that she'd not only become a published author but would also bring a very special character to life called Fresno.

 So, if you're at that stage, where some past incident of your life is stopping you from being creative and you want someone to show you the way out of that, Ashley's story can be that inspiration you need. And, if you want to know more about who Fresno is, sit back, relax and listen to this episode till the very end.

Learn more about Ashley here

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