Blythe Brumleve Digital Media Podcast

Facebook Caught Lying About Video Views, Star Wars, and Losing a Big Client

Blythe Brumleve

On the latest episode, host Blythe Brumleve talks about Facebook getting fined an insignificant amount of cash (for them) for inflated video-views by as much as 900 percent! Learn how to avoid the disaster of putting your eggs all in one social media basket with some takeaway tips. Also on the show, the difficulties of losing a big client, Star Wars' Galaxy's Edge, podcast insight, fighting fake news, CNBC business videos, and content marketing software on the latest episode of 'The Scouting Report'.  


Facebook Fined $40 Million Dollars Over Inflated View Counts [intro]

  • Facebook got caught being untrustworthy. Again. But this time they'll actually have to pay. It just only accounts for 16 hours of total work to cover the fine. Wonder what Vox Media or College Humor could do with that kinda cash tho?
  • Important to note what actually counts as a view on these platforms. So we dive into that plus more takeaways that won't cost you millions of dollars to learn.


Losing a Big Client Sucks [19:54]

  • Why is it always right before a vacation your clients go insane with demands? Well, my biggest decided to throw a wrench into my whole plan the night before my vacation. Here's how I'm handling that financial loss but gaining some mental clarity.


Star Wars Galaxy's Edge Sets the Bar High for All Theme Parks [29:34]

  • Disney World is known for their imaginative parks, resorts, restaurants, and lands. But the new Galaxy's Edge sets the bar too high to reach for other theme parks.

What I'm Reading/Watching [47:35]


What's Coming Up [01:02:44]

  • It's time to practice what I preach. Which is why I have a renewed focus on my content strategy and Coschedule is gonna help me manage it allllllll. 


Submit Your Marketing//Website Questions

Have a website/marketing question you’d like to get answered? Shoot me a message on Twitter or Instagram or submit to the BRAND NEW PODCAST PAGE (at the bottom) and I’ll get them answered on the next show.