The Supersized PhysEd Podcast
The Supersized Physed Podcast is dedicated to providing new ideas, activities and inspiration to our physical education field. Each week a new episode about various physed topics comes out, sometimes with a guest, sometimes it's just me!
#physed #physicaleducation
The Supersized PhysEd Podcast
Lee Spieker from Railyard Fitness
In this episode I talk to Lee Spieker (https://twitter.com/RailyardFitness). He is a pioneer of the fitness and physed community and an advocate for kid's fitness. I learned so much about him and his dedication to the youth in America! The Railyard Obstacle Course is his current business, and I was fortunate to write a grant for one. It's a game-changer in any PE class! Check out this episode!
Railyard video: https://youtu.be/ZiGrHQhQYwo
My website: https://www.supersizedphysed.com
FREE E-Book: https://supersizedphysed.us18.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=289486a5abf1f1b55de651a5e&id=4c476cb013
My new course: https://coursecraft.net/courses/z9Y3E
Website for the book: https://www.teacherchefhockeyplayerbook.com/