Dreamful Bedtime Stories

Eeyore Has A Birthday

June 02, 2023 Jordan Blair
Eeyore Has A Birthday
Dreamful Bedtime Stories
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Dreamful Bedtime Stories
Eeyore Has A Birthday
Jun 02, 2023
Jordan Blair

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Snuggle up and listen to a heartwarming chapter from Winnie the Pooh - "Eeyore has a Birthday," in which Pooh and Piglet try to make Eeyore's day extra special.

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Dreamful Podcast is produced and hosted by Jordan Blair. Edited by Katie Sokolovska. Theme song by Joshua Snodgrass. Cover art by Jordan Blair. ©️ Dreamful LLC

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Snuggle up and listen to a heartwarming chapter from Winnie the Pooh - "Eeyore has a Birthday," in which Pooh and Piglet try to make Eeyore's day extra special.

This episode is sponsored by AirDoctor. 

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Dreamful Podcast is produced and hosted by Jordan Blair. Edited by Katie Sokolovska. Theme song by Joshua Snodgrass. Cover art by Jordan Blair. ©️ Dreamful LLC

Speaker 1: Welcome to Dreamful Podcast Bedtime stories for slumber. I would like to start this episode by thanking our newest supporter, Amy Moloso. Thank you so much and I hope you have the sweetest dreams. If you'd like to be just like Amy and support the show and gain access to the subscriber only episodes while receiving a shout out, visit DreamfulStoriescom and, on the support page, find a link to become a Buzzsprout supporter or subscribe via supercast. 

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Speaker 1: This episode is sponsored by Air Doctor and they have a special offer for dreamful listeners. Go to aerodoktorprocom and use promo code DREAMFUL at checkout. Depending on the model, you can receive up to 39% off or up to $300 off. That's A-I-R-D-O-C-T-O-R-P-R-Ocom and use promo code DREAMFUL. Improve your sleep quality with Air Doctor. Your health and well-being deserve it. In this episode I will be reading a chapter from Winnie. 

Speaker 1: The Pooh called Eeyore has a birthday, so snuggle up in your blankets and have sweet dreams. Eeyore, the old grey donkey stood by the side of the stream and looked at himself in the water Pasetic. He said that's what it is, pasetic. He turned and walked slowly down the stream for 20 yards, splashed across it and walked slowly back on the other side. Then he looked at himself in the water again, as I thought. He said no better from this side, but nobody minds, nobody cares. Pasetic, that's what it is. There was a crackling noise in the bracken behind him and out came Pooh. Good morning Eeyore, said Pooh. Good morning Pooh Bear, said Eeyore gloomily, if it is a good morning, he said, which I doubt, said he. Why, what's the matter? Nothing, pooh, bear, nothing. We can't all, as some of us don't, as all there is to it Can't all. What said Pooh rubbing his nose? Getty song and dance. Here we go round. The mulberry bush, oh, said Pooh. He thought for a long time and then asked what mulberry bush is. That Bonhommie went on Eeyore, gloomily, french word meaning bonhommie. He explained, i'm not complaining, but There it is. 

Speaker 1: Pooh sat down on a large stone and tried to think this out. It sounded to him like a riddle and he was never much good at riddles, being a bear, a very little brain. So he sang Caudelston Pie instead Caudelston, caudelston, caudelston Pie. A fly can't bird, but a bird can fly. Ask me a riddle and I reply Caudelston, caudelston, caudelston Pie. That was the first verse. When he had finished it, eor didn't actually say that he didn't like it. So Pooh very kindly sang the second verse to him Caudelston, caudelston, caudelston Pie. A fish can't whistle, and neither can I. Ask me a riddle, and I reply Caudelston, caudelston, caudelston Pie. 

Speaker 1: Eor still said nothing at all. So Pooh hummed the third verse quietly to himself Caudelston, caudelston, caudelston Pie. Why does it chicken, i don't know why. Ask me a riddle and I reply Caudelston, caudelston, caudelston Pie. That's right, said Eor. Sing um-tiddly, um-to-to. Here we go gathering nuts in May. Enjoy yourself, i am, said Pooh. 

Speaker 1: Some can said Eor, why, what's the matter? Is anything the matter? You seem so sad, eor Sad. Why should I be sad? 

Speaker 1: It's my birthday, the happiest day of the year. Your birthday, said Pooh in great surprise. Of course it is. Can't you see? Look at all the presents I have had. He waved a foot from side to side. Look at the birthday cake, candles and pink sugar. 

Speaker 1: Pooh looked first to the right and then to the left. Presents, said Pooh. Birthday cake, said Pooh. Where Can't you see them? No, said Pooh. Neither can I, said Eor, joke. He explained Ha-ha. 

Speaker 1: Pooh scratched his head, being a little puzzled by all this. What is it really your birthday, he asked. It is. Oh well, many happy returns of the day, eor, and many happy returns to you, pooh Bear. But it isn't my birthday. No, it's mine. But you said many happy returns. Well, why not? You don't always want to be miserable on my birthday, do you? Oh, i see, said Pooh, is bad enough, said Eor, almost breaking down, being miserable myself. What was? no presents and no cake and no candles, and no proper notice taken of me at all. But if everybody else is going to be miserable too, this was too much for Pooh. Stay there. 

Speaker 1: He called Eor as he turned and hurried back home as quick as he could, for he felt that he must get poor Eor present of some sort at once and he could always think of a proper one afterwards. Outside his house he found Piglet jumping up and down, trying to reach the knocker. Hello, piglet, he said. Hello Pooh, said Piglet, what are you trying to do? I was trying to reach the knocker, said Piglet. I just came round, let me do it for you, said Pooh kindly. So he reached up and knocked at the door. I have just seen Eor. He began, and poor Eor is in very sad condition because it's his birthday and nobody has taken any notice of it And he's very gloomy. You know what Eor is. And there he was and put a long time. Whoever lives here is answering this door. And he knocked again. But Pooh said Piglet is your own house. Oh, said Pooh. So it is. He said Well, let's go in. So in they went. 

Speaker 1: The first thing Pooh did was to go to the cupboard to see if he had quite a small jar of honey left, and he had. So he took it down. I'm giving this to Eor, he explained, as a present. What are you going to give? Couldn't I give it to said Piglet, from both of us? No, said Pooh, that would not be a good plan. All right, then I'll give him a balloon. I've got one left for my party. I'll go and get it now, shall I? That Piglet is a very good idea. It is just what Eor wants to cheer him up. Nobody can be unteared with a balloon. 

Speaker 1: So off Piglet trodded and in the other direction went Pooh with his jar of honey. It was a warm day and he had a long way to go. He hadn't gone more than halfway when a sort of funny feeling began to creep all over him. It began at the tip of his nose and trickled all through him and out at the soles of his feet. It was just as if somebody inside him were saying Now then, pooh, time for a little something. Dear, dear, said Pooh. I didn't know, it was as late as that. 

Speaker 1: So he sat down and took the top off his jar of honey. Lucky I brought this with me. He thought Many a bear going out on a warm day like this never have thought of bringing a little something with him. And he began to eat. Now let me see. He thought as he took his last lick of the inside of the jar. Where was I going? Oh, yes, eeyore. 

Speaker 1: He got up slowly, and then suddenly he remembered he had eaten Eeyore's birthday present. Father said Pooh, what shall I do? I must give him something. For a little while he couldn't think of anything. Then he thought well, it's a very nice pot, even if there's no honey in it. And if I washed it clean and got somebody to write a happy birthday on it, eeyore could keep things in it which might be useful. So as he was just passing the Hundred Acre Wood, he went inside to call on Owl, who lived there. Good morning Owl, he said. Good morning Pooh. Said Owl, many happy returns of Eeyore's birthday, said Pooh. Oh, is that what it is? What are you giving him, owl? What are you giving him Pooh, i'm giving him a useful pot to keep things in and I wanted to ask you is this, it said Owl taking it out of Pooh's paw? 

Speaker 1: Yes, and I wanted to ask you Somebody has been keeping honey in it, said Owl, you can keep anything in it, said Poo, earnestly. It's very useful like that and I wanted to ask you. You ought to write a happy birthday on it. That was what I wanted to ask you, said Poo, because my spelling is wobbly. It's good spelling but it wobbles and the letters get in the wrong places. Would you write a happy birthday on it for me? It's a nice pot, said Owl, looking at it all round. Couldn't I give it to you from both of us? No, said Poo. that would not be a good plan. Now I'll just wash it first and then you can write on it. 

Speaker 1: Well, he washed the pot out and dried it, while Owl licked the end of his pencil and wondered how to spell birthday. Can you read Poo? He asked a little anxiously. There's a notice about knocking and ringing outside my door which Christopher Robin wrote. Could you read it? Christopher Robin told me what it said and then I could. Well, i'll tell you what this says and then you'll be able to. So Owl wrote, and this is what he wrote Hippie-pappy, with thust-too, thust-tah-bust-too. Poo looked on admiringly. I'm just saying a happy birthday, said Owl carelessly. It's a nice long one, said Poo, very much impressed by it. Well, actually, of course I'm saying a very happy birthday with love from Poo. Naturally, it takes a good deal of pencil to say a long thing like that. Oh, i see, said Poo. 

Speaker 1: While all this was happening, piglet had gone back to his own house to get Eor's balloon. He held it very tightly against himself so that it shouldn't blow away, and he ran as fast as he could so as to get Eor before Poo did. For he thought that he would like to be the first one to give a present, just as if he had thought of it without being told by anybody. And running along and thinking how pleased Eor would be, he didn't look where he was going And suddenly he put his foot in a rabbit hole and fell down flat on his face. Bang. 

Speaker 1: Piglet lay there, wondering what had happened. At first he thought that the whole world had blown up, and then he thought that perhaps only the forest part of it had. And then he thought that perhaps only he had. And he was now alone in the moon or somewhere and would never see Christopher Robin or Poo or Eor again. And then he thought well, even if I'm in the moon, i needn't be face downwards all the time. So he got cautiously up and looked about him. He was still in the forest. Well, that's funny. He thought I wonder what that bang was I couldn't have made such a noise just falling down. And where's my balloon? And what's that small piece of damp rag doing? It was the balloon. Oh dear, said Piglet. Oh dear, oh dearie, dearie, dear. Well, it's too late now I can't go back And I haven't another balloon, and perhaps Eor doesn't like balloons, so very much. 

Speaker 1: So he trotted on rather sadly now and down. He came to the side of the stream where Eor was and called out to him Good morning Eor, shouted Piglet. Good morning little Piglet, said Eor. If it is a good morning, he said, which I doubt said he Not that it matters. He said Many happy returns of the day, said Piglet. Having now got closer, eor stopped looking at himself in the stream and turned to stare at Piglet. Just say that again. He said Many happy. Wait a moment. Balancing on three legs, he began to bring his fourth leg very cautiously up to his ear. I did this yesterday. He explained as he fell down for the third time. It's quite easy, it's so I can hear better. There. That's done it. Now then what were you saying? He pushed his ear forward with his hoof. 

Speaker 1: Many happy returns of the day, said Piglet, again, meaning me, of course, eor. My birthday. Yes, me having a real birthday. Yes, eor, and I've brought you a present. Eor took down his right hoof from his right ear, turned round and, with great difficulty, put up his left hoof. I must have that in the other ear. He said Now then, a present, said Piglet very loudly, meaning me again. 

Speaker 1: Yes, my birthday. Still, of course, eor, me going on having a real birthday. Yes, eor, and I brought you a balloon". Balloon, said Eor. You did say balloon, why those big colored things you blow up Gaiety, song and dance. Here we are and there we are. Yes, but I'm afraid. I'm very sorry, eor, but when I was running along to bring it to you I fell down. Dear dear, how unlucky. You ran too fast. I expect You didn't hurt yourself, little piglet. No, but I, i, oh, eor, i burst the balloon. 

Speaker 1: There was a very long silence. My balloon, said Eor, at last Piglet nodded. My birthday balloon Yes, eor, said Piglet, sniffing a little. Here it is, with many happy returns of the day. He gave Eor the small piece of damp rag. Is this, it said Eor a little surprised. Piglet nodded My present, piglet nodded again. The balloon Yes, thank you, piglet, said Eor, you don't mind my asking. He went on. But what color was this balloon? when it was a balloon, red, i just wondered. Red, he murmured to himself, my favorite color. How big was it? About as big as me, i just wondered. About as big as Piglet, he said to himself, sadly, my favorite size. Well, well, piglet felt very miserable and didn't know what to say. He was still opening his mouth to begin something and then deciding that it wasn't any good saying that When he heard a shout from the other side of the river and there was Poo, many happy returns of the day called out Poo, forgetting that he had said it already. 

Speaker 1: Thank you, poo, i'm having them, said Eor, gloomily. I've brought you a little present, said Poo excitedly. I've had it, said Eor. Poo had now splashed across the stream to Eor and Piglet was sitting a little way off his head in his paws, snuffling to himself, is a useful pot, said Poo. Here it is, and it's got a very happy birthday with love from Poo written on it. That's what all the writing is and is for putting things in there. 

Speaker 1: When Eor saw the pot he became quite excited. Why? he said I believe my balloon, we'll just go into that pot. Oh no, eor, said Poo, balloons are much too big to go into pots. What you do with a balloon is you hold the balloon, not mine, said Eor proudly. Look Piglet. And as Piglet looked sorrowfully round, eor picked up the balloon with his teeth and placed it carefully in the pot, picked it out and put it on the ground and then picked it up again and put it carefully back. So it does, said Poo, it goes in. So it does, said Piglet, and it comes out, doesn't it, said Eor. It goes in and out like anything. I'm very glad, said Poo, happily, that I thought of giving you a useful pot to put things in. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. But Eor wasn't listening. He was taking the balloon out and putting it back again Again, as happy as could be. 

Speaker 2: I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. 

Speaker 2: I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. 

Speaker 2: I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. I'm very glad, said Piglet happily, that I thought of giving you something to put in a useful pot. Thank you for watching. 

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