The Joyful Mom Podcast

74: What is the Difference Between Therapy and Coaching?

Megan Hillukka

Both Therapy and coaching are very essential in our grieving journey. So, how do they differ and how  can they help us in dealing with child loss?

In this episode, we are going to know their importance, difference , and how they affect us in healing and moving forward.

Episode Pointers:

  • Most therapists are a place for you to go and talk, to get out the stuff that's coming up inside, to get the words out of your mind.And that feeling is amazing when you are walking with grief and you just need a space to go over your experience.
  • If a therapist doesn’t understand grief, they are not the right therapist for you specifically for losing a child.Truly, not everyone is a good fit for everyone. It’s a human to human relationship and sometimes you just don’t click with someone.
  • Therapy also tends to focus only on top down processing. This is where you talk only, and don’t get into the sensations of feelings in your body. 
  • Therapy is an amazing resource, but something can easily happen. That you begin to develop a dependency relationship of sorts with your therapist. That you need to go to therapy for years and years.
  • It doesn’t mean you shouldn't’ ever talk about your experience, but there is a difference in cycling and suffering over and over again, and processing and learning to carry your grief.
  • This is why I believe coaching is so powerful. While therapy can easily become a place you continue on for years and years and rehash the past over and over again. Coaching is for someone who wants to learn tools to move forward. Not to get out of the past, but to honor their experiences, honor their child, remember them, never forget and carry them forward with them in their life. 

If you want to apply for a spot for 1:1 Grief Coaching, go to


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